Tuesday, April 30, 2019

More Marvelous Mystery Quilts

Only becuase I love them - and I know you want to see more versions of the last mystery ( L1 - the Marvelous Mystery)   Here you go!!

Aren't these so different in each colorway?

Let's give Linda a High Five!!
Its a great pattern !!
After seeing all of these if you are inspired - the clues are all tagged
so here you go:

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Out on the Ocean

We got to California - dropped our Luggage and headed out right away to the Beach!!

I mean - when you are land locked you have to head straight to the water!!

So we went Dolphin Watching! (PS - this might be a little  photo heavy!)

 Aren't they Beautiful??

This is not us - but this is the type of boat we went out on!

The seats were sorta like saddles - with backs - and instead of a saddle horn you had the silver thing in front of you. We were pretty glad that we can all ride well - it served us well as we went up the 10 foot swells!!

This is the Harbor Resident
He came to say Hi as we were heading out!

We were out for quite a bit
and most of the time my camera was in its bag as I was too busy holding on

and truth?
Most of my Dolphin photos are like this
See that little splash in the middle 
Ya! That's a dolphin

but some were like this! and you all can bet I am framing one of these!

Look how close they come to the boat!

Shark or Dolphin????

and then we have the harbor guards!  ( ha ha)

This was an awesome thing to do - I am glad that I have a chiropractor and that there was a glass of wine at dinner - but WOW!!! It was so awesome!!

The company we went with was called Newport Landing Whale Watching - and our Captain was amazing! You were supposed to see whales - but they were avoiding us - the dolphins tho!

Totally worth it!!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

its Finished Friday!!

Welcome to TGIF Friday!!  ( okay - Thursday in America - but you know Friday elsewhere... and it WILL be Friday soon here!)

This is perfect timing for me - it was the push to finish this Mystery up!  I hosted it called - L1 - The Marvelous Mystery - and the pattern was written by Linda Swanekamp - she blogs here:


It was such a cool Mystery!!

Here is my Finish!
I used plaids!! Plaid is totally my Favorite color. My Sister in Law got me this really cool basket and I filled it with plaids that I intend to use THIS year!! its a goal.... and this is one of the quilts with them!

I did some fun Baptist Fan Quilting on it

 This version is from Janis W - Isn't it cool!!!!

AND - Because I was really procrastinating cooking dinner and real life.... I got this one Quilted too - It was a Mystery from our guild - I Do Not know the pattern... it was just fun!!!

and Puppy wants you to see how cute he is too!
He is a model!

 Alright Quilters - Link up your Finishes!! Give me Blog posts to read and IG accounts to Follow!!
Bring it on!!

***********************************FINISHED FRIDAY***************************


Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Busy Hands Quilts
Wendys Quilts and More
Powered by quilting

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A little trip

Easter Weekend was so fun for us!

My cousin got married on Saturday and Sunday was sorta a family reunion/wedding brunch/ goof off time - of course she didn't get married in Colorado - so we got to go to....

Too funny right?   California!!

So much fun!

You have to take a groupie - My parents went too! ( it was my Mom's Sisters daughter... ya -  say that 6 times fast)

And of course - you had to go to the pier ( Balboa Pier) and check out the sand

And just because there are buildings, and people, and fun advertisy like things - we had to snap photos

and the cool architecture

and my goofy kids - they are WAY to Tall for this... Middle bit just sat back and laughed at these two!

.... I have more photos.... you know - cuz we did all the touristy things we could fit in. And!! The best part - all 5 of us were able to go - that took a little coordination - but it was great!.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Quilting more then 1 quilt at a time

Many of you asked me how I quilted more than one quilt at a time for the Hands2Help....

I wish I took more photos - but basically I used a Wide Back  - Batting Scraps - and I floated the tops -

So here are the first two tops
I basted the heck out of them so nothing shifted

This is where all 4 meet


Here is what it looks like now 
I will trim them up
and ta-da
have 4 quilts!!

Hope that helps you all see what I did?

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Hands 2 Help Check in

Ah!! Did you know today is the first check in for Sarah's Hands 2 Help??

I am sure I wrote it down.... but where I wrote it down - I can't say!!!

So here is my check in!!

I have now quilted up 4 little baby quilts for Jacks Basket.

Just need to cut them up and Bind them!!
( and if you remember - Binding is always a downfall - so wish me luck!!)

Go see all the other projects - such a giving group of people!!

Hands 2 Help

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
Moving it Forward at Ems Scrapbag

Friday, April 12, 2019

Spring Blizzard

So a little Spring Blizzard passed through... and now it attacking the east ( sorry peeps!!)
We got some great moisture, awful winds and... the road was closed!

All my family was home, we are all safe and sound.....

but...... they should not give me 48 hours of unsupervised stitching .......

Just sayin'

Before the wind really started ( and I worried about the power going out)
I quilted this Quilt of Valor

and then!!
I topped this quilt
I made a backing for it

and then!! I decided to start a new project -
the pattern is called Merry Go Round by American Jane Patterns

and now I have more scraps to decide what to do with

and then I decided I should top this Quilt of Valor - and I made a backing for it!!

And then!! I finished my Marvelous Mystery Top - and I made a backing for it!!
PS - you can find all the clues for this awesome Mystery that Linda Swanekamp designed right HERE ON THIS BLOG!!!!  Isn't that cool - Its called the L1 Marvelous Mystery 

and now...
I started a new project.....

I have a problem ...
can you tell???  
Ha ha ha 

Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Busy Hands Quilts
TGIF Friday at Slice of Pi Quilts
From Bolt to Beauty
Friday Foto Fun
Oh Scrap at Quilting is more fun than Housework

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Mystery L1 Clue 7 AND Clue 8

Good Morning Quilters!!

It is pretty here now - but they tell us by Noon we are under blizzard conditions!! And will be snowed in for 24 hours....so that means I give you ALL permissions to stay in a sew ALL day - because...

you are under a blizzard -  ha ha!!

So here is what you need to download today - 

Clue 7   ( Click here for CLUE 7)


If you are  only wanting to do one step at a time - just download Clue 7 until you are ready to move one and come back for Clue 8

If you are ready - and want to see the reveal!!  Download Clue 8 as well!!!

I got to this point and I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to see how it worked out - so I just couldn't leave you all in suspense as well!!

Happy Stitching


I am hosting TGIFFriday on April 26th!! So - that is your assignment - Finish your Top and show it off by then
( that sounds about fair - right??? ) ha ha

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Fabric For You?


I have been cleaning out some of my Fabrics - and realized that there is some I am just not going to get to in this lifetime.....


This Group of Fabrics weighs in at  4 pounds and will be shipping from 80644

So if you want it - Leave me a comment - the first person claiming it - I will get your paypal email and send you a bill and ship it out -

The price is the Shipping - I wish I could do that for free , knowing that the fabric will be loved - but you know... kids in college and all that!!

hope someone will love it!!

Monday, April 08, 2019

Log Cabin Progress

Whoot Whoot!!

Our one Log Cabin Quilt top - now has enough blocks!!

Ta! Da!

So this is where it was on my design wall - Each block measures 10 inches and I wanted a 60 ish by 80 ish quilt.... That was the goal ( ish)

Then I went to  a track meet - watched this kid.... He's kinda my favorite runner right now.

Stopped by My friend Linda's, as  she had collected the blocks our other quilters were making. *( I had had to leave for the stupid dentist, from our sew session)   

and I put the rest of the blocks up, Moved a a few around - and then!


hopefully this evening I will get it Rowed!!

Linking to:
Brag about your BEauties
Oh Scrap
Design Wall Monday
Moving it Forward
BOM's Away at Katie Mae

Friday, April 05, 2019

A Double Slice FFA quilt

In February our Local FFA ( Future Farmers of America) Held their Spring Conference.  They decided to have local community service projects there - and of course - Quilts of Valor went!

We set up the room - had about 90 different stitchers - and!!


I quilted one of the Quilts they completed.

it will go to our Sew Day  at the end of this month to get bound

We used the Double Slice pattern from Missouri Star Quilt Co.
That is such a fun and easy pattern
and it gave us a little trim room to square blocks!

Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday at Slice of Pi Quilts