Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Colorado Camping

It was hot at my house.... so so so hot.... I can see your sympathy......

so we hiked up to cooler weather and took a little camping trip!

and.... we took the Puppy  ( who is not a Puppy, but I sorta named him Puppy as a nickname and it stuck!)

I love Split Rail Fences 
if they would really work and keep my livestock in, I would have them on all the edges.
But then they would break and we would need to repair them a LOT more!

And here is Puppy...
Puppy lost his big sister this summer, and he has been sorta lost without her
so he has attached himself to me and become an inside dog.

and he lays around all day
He follows me from machine to machine and then climbs on his bed and sleeps
When I take him outside.... he doesn't want to be there

and then we go to the mountains
and he wants to run and hike, and was great for 15 miles

Crazy Puppy
His new name shall be "Conundrum" 

We also might have done a little fishing

and we caught dinner!!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Log Cabin Triangle Design Wall

I may have Log Cabin Triangles on my brain.... and on my design wall!!

I have a little retreat coming up.... so - I thought I would be prepared... right?? me?? prepared??

Well I am attempting to this time!

I have been designing lots of quilt tops, and pinning them - so I can sew the rows and top them during my little sew in.   And if I need to go on a hike, I won't lose my place ;-)

So what's on the wall this time????

Here is version 1 - and its layout.  I had fun moving the center circle!

And then an offset circle

And then it moved to the other side.... ohhhh sorta like the eclipse!!! 
Ha ha - so If you didn't get to see it.... there you go 

and then I ran out of gold ones - so made this one!

These blocks are just so versatile!!
You can find the pattern ( for free)  
Block design by

and then....
I have so many 2 1/2 inch strips
so I made this!

I saw this a long time ago somewhere,
and then it showed up again on my MSQC you tube feed.... so I tried it out!

Linking to:

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Quilts of Valor 2017

Happy Wednesday!!!

Hope all of you had a chance to finish up your Mystery - Big Star Country ( aka A6) ?   I hope you had fun with it!!

I am now back with some Quilty Inspirations for you!  These are all quilts that are Quilts of Valor and either have been, or will be Awarded very very soon!!!

Don't you just love seeing the veterans Wrapped in their quilts?   I do ( and that is my hand on the bottom right ! )

Check out this awesome Quilt from Vicki Welsh!!  If you haven't heard about her - oh man - you are in for a treat. She is an Amazing Fabric Dye'r and has some of the most amazing items

Check her out:  Colorways By Vicki

PS - She dyed the backing too!

The quilt on the left below was made by the Foxy Quilters in Ft Lupton
The pattern is a free one under my free tabs 

and the one on the right was a Mystery Quilt that we did ( its in my Craftsy Store) and was made by B Walsh

Both of them were quilted by me

This was another Mystery that we did
again - in my Craftsy store
This one was pieced by Laura, and Quilted by Me

These three were made by the fearsome Twosome of Connie and Kathy!! Connie pieced two, Kathy pieced one and Connie quilted them all... Kathy Bound them- I think the work well as a team

The one on the left was made by Connie
and on the right was made by Meredith and Quitled by Ron O

This yummy Quilt was made by Deb
The amazing Snowcatcher
( you will want to see her Eclipse photos!!)

And just because you need to see the love
These three Vietnam Veterans received Their Quilts and were speechless
It really made my day!

****Scraps have found a Home ****
Now.... are you a scrappy Quilter?
I have a little box of scraps - these are all strips and squares and Patriotic
They wiegh right at 1 pound - so that should be about 4 yards of scraps

If you are interested in it - in your comment say I am interested and give me an email.
The first one to say that - I will email you a paypal invoice for $7 in postage and its yours.
Wish I could do it for free... but not this time.

****Scraps have found a home****

Still leave comments ;-)

Monday, August 21, 2017

Sapphire Stars Clue #2

Is now finished!!

In my Clue Box!!

and Kevin.... you may post Clue #3 .....Cuz I totally know that you were waiting on me right????

Ha ha ha

This little ( ok big) Pile of strips became:

and then

now to go download my photos - Someone might have headed to the Mountains Again.... and she may have brought her camera.... and she may have almost  ( ALMOST) perfected Fly Fishing with her camera strapped to her..... oh ya!

Thursday, August 17, 2017


Very first off - Holly.... no! I did not see Kevin's Mystery Quilt in its totality.... I think he hid it from me, and he hid it well - there was no trace of it anywhere!!  (I am not saying I looked or anything, or moved some fabric in the off chance it would be hiding... nope.... not me!)

So.... I like you, will have to work on Clue #2 and wait for #3 to come out *sigh*

But!!! I did see the Mississippi River.... and some Quilt shops... and the St Louis Arch - and traffic... St Louis has lots of traffic.... I live on a country road.... my traffic is bunnies and snakes... and the errant cow....

I took my camera out and we hiked around ....  Ready???

First we went to the Mississippi River.... Holy cow - that is a big river!!

And these barges travel up and down it.
I am sure many of you have seen these.... but I haven't
( that I can remember)

That's a barge that as already come thru the locks ( above)
(Below)  a barge coming through the locks.

The Barge man ( I do not know what they call them) says it takes about 20-30 minutes to get through the locks and start on the other side.

The barges are tied together, and I think 18 are tied together.
They take the place of a LOT of semi trucks over the road

and across the Levee thing that we were walking on it this great house.
It's lifted - ha ha - I thought we should buy it and make it a retreat center.
and then I heard it was lifted because the river floods
and Colorado looked even better

I happened to be there on a day when it was not too humid,
so watching the sun go down was pretty cool and breezy - 
I liked it

I got to take a tour of the area - just checking out some cool things - and yelling - *stop!!* I want to take a photo.... ha ha - I like being the boss!!

This is an elevator thingy, that they used to load up the barges in the river at one time. I don't know, and forgot to ask if its still in use?

Another Sunset - just because....

Check out this house!! It is SO high!! Can you imagine being there when the water got that high?  I was Wondering if they had a boat or a life raft for just in case?

Then we went to St Charles - the old town part. and it was So charming! We stopped at a quilt shop ( or 5) and checked out all the goodies...

Then we went and checkout out the historical stuff
this was the sight of the Worlds Fair - and I forgot what year - maybe 1904?
I read the plaque and I think the area spanned over 1200 acres and was one of the biggest worlds fairs ever.

And check out this horse.... This was a huge statue - and of course - a Horse!! i had to take a photo!

Then I had to go home... they kicked me out and Missouri said I couldn't stay....

just kidding... I hit the road early in the morning , and drove the whole 12 1/2 hours home.

I saw a lot of Corn, Soybeans and Cows.... and semi trucks....

Linking with:
Through My Lens

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Mystery A6 - Big Star Country

Ta Da!!!

Mystery A6 has a name.....
Thanks to Tanya -


You all saw mine as we sewed along:

But I decided I wanted to sew along again
So this is another one that I made

There are so many awesome combinations that would work with this quilt pattern
 A lot of them have been shared on my Quiltygirl Facebook Page

and now you can share yours here:

*** Link up the direct link to your blog post here*****

Whoot Whoot - Hopefully you have a finish to show?? Please use the direct link so we can refer back later if we want to
1. Dee Dee  4. Kevin the Quilter  
2. Tired Teacher  5. Susan in ETN  
3. Sandy at SewHigh blogspot  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Linking to:
Mid Week Makers
Lets Bee Social
TGIF Friday
Confessions of a Fabric addict
Finished or Not Finished

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bloggers Everywhere

After I FINALLY made it through Illinois - i really did hit Missouri!!!

I am not sure if you know this or not - but a few famous bloggers live there... and one said I could crash at their house, and two said I could have a meal with them.... and it was fun!!!

I showed up to the house.... and Look what was fed to me!!

Doesn't that look amazing?
At my house.... we just have tacos ;-)

I bet you want to know who cooked this right???

None other than

and then the next day - 
we met up with two more AMAZING bloggers for lunch

it was a mexican place - and check out this sink!!!
Isn't it great!!

Looky who I met!!
On the left is Dar - from Dar's Patchwork Garden
Boy howdy is that lady a busy quilter - she does all sorts of things for Quilts of Valor!!!

And then of course - there is Kevin
Then Me ( in the white - just in case you don't know what I look like)

and then Jan!  From The Colorful Fabriholic

She is the infamous ( I hope I got that right - as in famous) designer of our Log Cabin Triangle Block that we did for QOV, AND!! 

She has a great tutorial on her blog right now for another QOV - the Snake Quilt 

Out of all the snakes in the world.... her's is the nicest!!

Oh and don't forget Kevin has a Mystery on his blog now too!

Just so you know , I didn't just eat! ( ok , well maybe)
But I got a tour - and I took my real camera out, and I bought ( umm, unless my husband is reading - was given) fabric.... and I will show you more on Thrusday!!

because Wednesday is MYSTERY A6 LINK UP 
and show off day!!!

Whoot whoot

Monday, August 14, 2017

It really happened...

My son threatened to grow up, and I did everything I could to prevent it.... but I failed

Ha ha - Just kidding...

My firstborn child has gone on to grad school.... and my second born.... is packing - PACKING!!! why!!!!

So this post - is all about Big Bit.....

He left us.... yep - he is moving on to other things.   So He and his Dad drove out to DC, and I flew ( i got the better end of that deal)   and met them there.

Just so you know - his Dad ( Wrangler Man) does exist.
I realized I write a lot about me - but he is there too ;-)

After the initial move in we headed out to find food.
and see a few sights.
and me with only my cell phone
ACKKK how did they do that to me!

No matter what tho
Our Nations Monuments are pretty amazing
This was me on my way to my Forest Gump moment
 - Yep - I can still embarrass my kid!! - Ha ha

My attempt at a Pano shot of the WWII Memorial - seeing things at night is pretty cool

and the White house...

And the Metro - I tell you I am just fascinated by these things... that you get everywhere without driving, and in just a short amount of time....

And then.... Wrangler Man Flew home.... and I drove..... 29 ish hours of driving.....

And just so you know - I need to take geography all over again... I stayed in Indiana with some friends and then headed west the next morning. I called home, and WM says - you should be in Illinois soon.... and I laughed.

No honey, I said, I am heading to Missouri! Not Illinois I told him, and he said, yes dear - but you have to get though Illinois first.....   Oh. Well... I am glad you told me, as I would have probably stopped and thought I was lost.

When I got home - There was this: