Friday, September 03, 2021

A Scrappy Quilt.... and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

I thought that when fall came, life would get back into some sort of routine, and things would settle down - but that is not turning out to be the case. I am wondering how we fit all this *life* stuff in when we had three kids running in three different sports all the time.... hmmm... Its a mystery!!

I told my other half that Labor Day is going to be all Labor - to get organized and back on track... do you think he believes me?  haha! I am not sure that I do!!

Anyways - I was able to sneak in a finish here!!

Its pretty scrappy and I think is super colorful. I even have it washed, and turned the AC on so I could snuggle it for 10 Minutes....

I made Purple Binding for the quilt - I thought the dark would tie it all together!

We live right under the jet stream that just brings that smoke right to our doorstep and its Blechhy! and it takes the brightness off the photos. and those poor people really dealing with the Fire and devastations - oh my - I can not imagine!!

Sorry - got off subject there - another off subject.... today is our Anniversary - Hey!! I should go plan a cake or something!!! 

Anyways - this is my Finish for this week and I am taking the WIN!!  Now!! Show us what you have been up to!!




Gretchen Weaver said...

Your newest quilt is very lovely! Looks very nice for a good snuggle. Happy stitching!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Love, love the scrappiness of the quilt- cheerful and huggable. Buy some flowers and a bottle of wine and celebrate!

Linda said...

Alycia I love this quilt! I especially love those bits of gingham. It looks so cuddly and comforting. I had to laugh at you turning down the AC so you could snuggle under it. We wonder just like you how we managed to get so much done and be so active when we were younger. We now have all this time and still never enough.

Jenny K. Lyon said...

Love scrappy! Happy Anniversary! Ugh, smoke. We have it here too and it's awful. I feel badly complaining - we have smoke but no fire directly threatening us. I hope you stay out of the fire zone.

Kat Scribner said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. Sept is a great month. Both our birthdays are sept and it is the ending of those hot days and when all the colors begin to change here.

Cathy said...

Scrappy and wonderful, indeed! That's my kind of quilt. Congrats on the finish.

And Happy Anniversary!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on your awesome super scrappy quilt finish and happy anniversary, Alycia!!!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the bright scrappy quilt!

JoAnne said...

Happy Anniversary, Alycia! It's our anniversary too! We're celebrating 55 years today. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Sherrill said...

I LOVE your very colorful new quilt! Even in the 'blechy' background..HA. I've got another QOV in progress that I need to finish up. And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

grammajudyb said...

I love your scrappy super colorful finish! And purple binding? To die for! Great job and Happy Anniversary to you both!
The AQI has been awful here too, but much worse for our son in Northern California! I think about Bernie at Needle and Foot too!

Donna said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you get to celebrate! Love your scrappy quilt!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

super bright, super fun quilt! Happy Anniversary! So sad about the fires and devastation, hope the fires are closer to being under control soon....

Kathy said...

Happy anniversary it's ours too we made 55

Delighted Hands said...

things do get behind--I am well acquainted with ti! But keep a good inch by inch focus as best you can and catch up! This quilt is perfect in its scrappy loveliness! happy Anniversary!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Happy Anniversary! The binding frames the quilt very well (and whooo - another quilt bound)!! :)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

First off, Happy Anniversary, Alycia and Oh yes you should have cake. My hubby and I were saying the same thing the other day- how did we squeeze in all that we did with our young children years ago - working sports and hobbies. Lol. Your scrappy quilt is fabulous and is cheerful. What a fun piece. Thank you so much for sharing and have a great weekend.

Susan said...

Great looking scrap quilt!

WeedyMama said...

How many years of marriage are you celebrating?

Pat said...

Happy Anniversary!!💐🍾🥂 love your quilt!

Love Of Quilts said...

This is my kind of quilt. Love scrappy.

Snowcatcher said...

Happy anniversary! I hope you got some rain today to clear out the air a bit. Just love this quilt! Once again, you've so inspired me! said...

I just love your scrappy quilt. What size blocks are those? Are there any stories to go along with such a scrap buster as that beauty!~?? Thanks for hosting this week and for sharing a quilt that requires patience, looks amazing and inspires us all!!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Happy Anniversary! I love your scrappy quilt.

loulee said...

Your finish looks amazing.
Be well and stay safe.

GrandmaCindy said...

Good Sunday morning. I have recently joined a
QOV group and am sharing my love for scraps and scrappy quilting. I need your help. May I have a link or photos of the finished, flag string block quilts? My email address is
Thank you so much,
Cindy Nelson

Anonymous said...

Very nice. We also are getting the smoke. Happy Anniversary. Mine is Friday.


Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Happy Anniversary! Ours is in a few weeks.