Friday, April 02, 2021

Under The Starry Sky and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday

 What a week!! It sure went by fast!  

Mostly this week... I think I started things!! ( Lots of things that I can't wait to show you!)

The only REAL Finish I had was Finishing up the Under The Starry Sky Pattern - and because I like Quilty Photos - I am sharing it again....  ( it makes my posts look pretty)

Plus - It makes me feel like I did something this week. Because Truthfully I am drawing a blank. I did finish feeding all the animals - twice a day!  I did finish delivering my other beef.... I did finish... well heck fire - Nope I did not finish cooking for us at all... I think it was leftovers or sliced cheese... who can remember haha!!

Oh and I did take Pictures of Baby Surprise - I just need to download them and you will laugh at her!
So - I guess this post is really all about you guys!! Show me what you Finished!!

*Remember to post your direct Link
* Go visit others that have linked up
* please remember to post a link back to here on your post
* have fun!!
*Happy Easter!!


Snowcatcher said...

It's a beautiful quilt, and I enjoy seeing it, no matter how many times. And sometimes, perhaps just finishing getting out of bed is an accomplishment... :)

Home Sewn By Us said...

Good morning, Alycia! Your Under The Starry Sky quilt is so fabulous. I would love to be able to reach through the computer screen and touch it. All that squishy quilty goodness is obvious in the photo! Congrats on finishing the pattern - that is a worthy finish as it's not a snap to write one. Thanks for the linky party! I see some thumbnail photos I just HAVE to go check out. Happy Easter to you and your family. ~smile~ Roseanne

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Lovely finish Alycia. I say celebrate even some of the smallest of finishes!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

It's a beautiful quilt finish.
I think I've had a week similar to yours - with lots of running around and feeling quite busy, but not much to show for it (well for the blog anyways). Enjoy your Easter weekend :)

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for providing a place for us to show off our finishes, Alycia!! It's too bad that I don't have anything new to share this week. :o((

Bonnie said...

I think photos add to a blog too. BTW you are too young to forget what you did during the week. I hope you aren't forgetting why you walked into a room... not a good sign. I forget everything or so it seems. And really "delivering your other beef"? Just curious.

Delighted Hands said...

Enjoy the weekend! When you live on a ranch, your work is never finished! lol

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Friday , Alycia. Your quilt is so pretty. I look forward to seeing your new starts in the future. Thank you for hosting the link party and have a very Happy Easter.

Anonymous said...

Some week’s are like that, aren’t they? You know you did a lot of things, but don’t seem to have much to show for it. But Starry Skies is beautiful, and I’m glad you showed it again, because my week kept me away from reading as many blogs as I’d like and I missed it.


Preeti said...

Congratulations on a fabulous finish, Alycia. The texture is yummy even in the picture.
I am sure you fed them something since they are all alive and well. And if you switched people food with animal food or vive-versa...well, sometimes shit happens :-D Looking forward to Baby Surprise.