Friday, July 24, 2020

String Stars.... and Finished ( or Not) Friday

Once upon a Time... about almost exactly Two years ago - I had a friend... and he came to our Quilt guild and did this most AWESOME presentation - and then the next day - He taught a class.... and I participated - and then.....

I did not follow through... cuz I am a bad quilter ( bwahh ha ha)

But today!! I fixed that - and I followed through!!

My original Post  about this quilt - and now!!!

The Reveal!!

So this one is outside and gives you the true colors, but the sun was so blinding - you can't see the quilting to prove that I Quilted it!!

I took one inside as well - so you can see the quilting... because - come on people - I am a Machine Quilter ( for hire, if your looking haha)  but the colors are a little darker...

I think that I shall bind it in Navy Blue.. but that is a post for a different day - like maybe October... ( I did not say which year tho!)

Now!! BEfore you link your post - click here to open a new song from Estin and the 86'd - a little local ban here - and give their song a listen.. let's see if we can get their listens up about 1500....

now!! Lets see what you are up to!!:
how has the stitching been going for you?

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Gretchen Weaver said...

Very cute quilt! Your machine quilting is great! Do you machine bind?Happy stitching!

grammajudyb said...

Another star block. I could get really busy and try to duplicate that one. It's great Alicia. The quilting is really cool.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! What a fabulous finish for a Friday. And a two-year-old UFO finish at that - that has to make you feel good. It's so pretty and looks quite dashing against the deck. Amazing the color difference on the inside picture. Your quilting looks fabulous. I think a navy blue binding will be the perfect frame to pull out those lovely fabrics. Happy Friday! ~smile~ Roseanne

Nann said...

The subtle tones in the background make the star pop! It's lovely, Alycia.

Snowcatcher said...

That is such a cool quilt, and the quilting, as always, is spectacular and creative! I still can't believe you got to meet Kevin the Quilter!!!

Susan said...

That's a very pretty scrappy star - well done!

Cathy said...

Ok. If that means you are a bad quilter then I am a really really bad quilter!

I like the quilt but love the quilting. Congrats on a finish!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

ok! now I want to make this quilt too! and I think I gave away my 60 degree ruler before I moved thinking I would NEVER use it! Time to put on my thinking cap and figure it out...I only hope that I don't forget about it. LOL ps: Great job on the quilt! :)

Susan said...

Pretty cool string use!

Karen's Korner said...

A great scrap busting project. Nicely done.

Delighted Hands said...

Fantastic finish (almost)! This is a great idea for string blocks!

Rebecca Grace said...

You crack me up -- "to prove that you quilted it!" But I'm glad you included both photos, because the quilting is really cool! Did you do that with rulers, paper pantograph, or computerized quilting? I love the zigzags and circles design! Great job, and I'll be looking forward to your binding post in October of 2023... ;-)

Kate said...

Love the quilt and the quilting. Sometimes a quilt has to age and ripen to reach it's full potential. So if it takes a bit to get on the binding, just remember that.

Lady Fi said...

Oooo - how lovely!

Preeti said...

I must learn from you - how to make one perfect star and then don't let anything distract from its perfect beauty!!! Well-done, Alycia. Binding is the easy bit - just one afternoon :-)

Michele said...

It's a great quilt and it's great that it's now done.

Quilter Kathy said...

Great job on the machine quilting! love it!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I thought about making my string star quilt larger, but kept it at the smaller size. One of these days I think I'll make 4 or more stars, and put them in a larger quilt (together). Kevin's class was fun!