Friday, January 24, 2020

A Fire House Quilt Finish

Happy Friday!!
I just have to tell you, I am not a fan of college starting... I lost all my helpers ( okay really workers) and I have to do it, and I might be a little grumbly this time of year.

Even my dog teases me, I put on my coveralls, and heavy jacket and ear muffs - and step out into the 50 mph wind, and then he doesn't tease me anymore... but heck fire we have had a few cold chore times lately!  and the wind! I was downwind of the horses - so when I call for them to come in... only the cows on the backside could hear... so I had to walk all the way out to where they could see me.... ( see how grumbly I am ! ha ha)

On the flip side... I finished this quilt:

It was all out of Pre cut strips that were in my bins!
That made me happy

Here is the back
I quilted it With Fire hats, axes and the fire emblem

Last year our Guild President issued a challenge to make a Quilt for one of our many firehouses, and we would give them to them this year - so I made this one - I think it will got go my local firehouse.

Alright - On to yours!

1. Link up your own Finish ( or almost finished) 

2. Please don't link things that aren't even a project that you are working on.

3. Use the direct link to your blog post or IG photo - generics will start to be removed... sorry about that - but it is hard to search for the correct post later in the week.

4. Play along and visit other pages - I try to visit all of them! its fun to see so much quilty inspiration!


Linking to:
TGIF Friday at Musings of a MMM quilts
Can I get a Whoop Whoop


Karen's Korner said...

Congratulations on a lovely is sure to be appreciated by its recipients. Stay warm - I cannot image such freezing conditions.

Sherrill said...

Love your log those firefighters will be fighting for it!! HA Turned out beautiful!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Good morning, Alycia! Being downwind from the horses could have been so much worse, you know. I'd say the positive in that sentence is that you were upwind from the COWS! I can just see those cows looking at you, chewing their cud . . . and the horses frolicking about because they couldn't hear you. Finally, after all that trudging to where they could see you . . . there was a stampede because it's time to EAT. And the cows, they keep on keeping on. Now, on to your pretty fabulous quilt. Using all pre-cut strips?! Brilliant I say and quick and ever so cool that it for a firehouse. I have a few firemen in my family and know the true dedication that they have for their job. Thank you for making this lovely piece for them! Happy Friday. ~smile~ Roseanne

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love your Fire House quilt. Thanks for all you share.

Kat Scribner said...

Lovely log cabin and just the right amount of red.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Good for you for removing the non-compliant links - I agree that it is hard to find relevant posts when only the main page link is provided. Great finish for the firemen quilt, too. (and go ahead and grumble about the cold chores - you're entitled!)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

the down side of having animals is having to take care of them in all weather!

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

Fabulous quilt!

Cathy said...

That's some fun quilting!

Susan said...

Congrats on a lovely finish! I always love visiting you cause you have the best red, white, and blue quilts

Marti said...

Congratulations on a lovely finish! I know the firemen will love it.

I totally understand about the outdoor chores. Right now we are without any animals (except the cat) and it has been such a luxury.

Judy in Michigan said...

I had to really look at the quilt to recognize that it is a log cabin quilt. The fabric make it look so different. It will be one of my next projects for sure!! Got the directions for the 2 day mystery. All ready to go. Thanks for everything!

Leanne Parsons said...

That's a fantastic scrap-busting finish! Congratulations :) I chuckled at the thought of you calling to the horses, who couldn't hear you, lol. I hope it's warming up a little for you!

Judy in Michigan said...

It's me again. I was studying your quilt and I see that your log cabin logs are not made with the same size logs. Maybe you could give us a clue?? No hurry. Thanks again.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Congrats on the finish. It's a great pattern.

DelightedHands said...

What a great idea to quilt for your firemen!