Saturday, March 22, 2025

Escape to Belize - Beach Day

 After our Snorkeling, 1 Mayan Ruin, Ziplining and cave tubing  - we decided it was time for a beach day... a whole day on our beach.

Yep - we had our own beach!!!!

This is from our beach looking at our house. We had Paddle boards, kayaks and our snorkel gear, as well as lounges and soda and water - it was great!!!

A coconut Tree - this is important for later in the day... remember them!!

This is Conch ( pronounced Conk) he was our native dog. Which was very nice, because as you know - I sort of like dogs. He didn't know any tricks, but he went just about anywhere I went. I love him 

I sat on the beach for a while, we snorkeled a lot. you are on a Key/Reef system so its not that deep - even 30 feet out you could still stand up. 

But everyone needs to head back to the house every so often - this was my view from the deck.
Not a bad one!!!  ( that black thing is the roof of our golf cart - remember every one drives golf carts - there are VERY few cars on the island)

Another friend  (the iguana) K was in a Hammock and one ran under him and up the tree!!

We also sent fishing from the pier. We had our own pier about 100 yards away. So J - the caretakers son took us fishing off of it. That was a lot of fun. 

Remember the coconut trees?   Coconut Water!!!! Fresh from the tree. its supposed to be very healthy, so to be honest, I didn't really care for it. I put mine in the fridge, and liked it a lot better cold. But I just like regular water ...

I leave you with one more Beach photo...  We had to be up bright and early again the next day - of course, we have another adventure to head out to.... 

I will tell you I loved the relaxing day. We are not so good at relaxing - you probably aren't either. Its hard when you know you have things to do/ This day.... I mastered it!!!!

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Pam said...

I love a vacation where you don't feel the need to go and explore, but just relax on a gorgeous beach 😊

Linda said...

Wow what a beautiful private beach. Those folks have a treasure in that land! I loved scuba diving but hated snorkeling, weird huh? So I loved reefs where you can stand so far out so that I could just peek into the water with my mask.

Kate said...

Looks like a great day in a great place.

Delighted Hands said...

That is the perfect day for me on vacation--everyone around and just relaxing in around and by the water!!!! Beautiful! said...

What a great beach and what fabulous memories you made!

Mystic Quilter said...

Beautiful spot for a rest day Alycia, lots to do and just look at the colour of that water in photo six -love that green! Hope you have more fun before you head home.