Monday, March 24, 2025

A QOV presentation and a chance meeting...

 The weekend after we got back ... found me at a Veterans Breakfast.

I was still sort of on Island Time, so I think I was a little more relaxed. I don't get *Nervous* as much as I get *antsy* before presentations anymore. I try really hard to rehearse in my head, but sometimes... there's a lot of empty space in there... and things bounce around haha

it also happened to be International Women's Day - which I did not know - but things have a way or working out:

Check that out - THREE Women in our group this time, a Marine, Army and Army active Duty 

So this part was funny - the girl on the far right, that is her husband next to her. He did not really know what she had nominated him for (he is also still active duty) . I did my presentation and was helping them put their quilts back in the pillowcase - and he says - Man - My wife sometimes gets my nominated for stupid things - but I have to say - this is ONE OF THE COOLEST things she has ever nominated me for... his eyes were a little leaky ;-)

Made my day!

And now my Chance Meeting: ( its a little long)

I was at the grocery store, and I opened the case to grab a cottage cheese. A lady reached in to grab hers, and her husband said – Hey!! Where did you get that Sweatshirt? Are you a Marine?

Gulp, I said No Sir, this is my son’s sweatshirt, he is a Marine. And we proceeded to chit chat there in front of the dairy case for about 30 minutes. He told me all about his 17 years in the Marine Corp – including three tours in Vietnam.

Then he said he wondered if my son could get him a cover for his uniform. So I got his email, and asked my son. All the time – pretending that I knew what he was talking about.  My son did though, so it made me look smart.  He got one purchased and mailed to me.

Well – I asked that Marine and his wife if we could take them to lunch and make the delivery of said cover. I might have asked if they knew what a Quilt of Valor was in the process of all the emails we exchanged.

We met for lunch. He is an amazing Veteran, and his wife – just the sweetest. I gave him the cover; we talked for an hour over ice cream and burgers.

I finally said – well – I brought you something else. And I proceeded to tell him about Quilts of Valor. I said to him that 17 years in the service as an artillery guy was quite impressive, and now knowing more about his service, I was honored to be able to award him this quilt: made by our wonderful group of quilters. And you know what?

I did my job – Brought him to tears. (Which truly is not my intent, but when it happens I know some healing is taking place) He told me that in all his years, he had never been thanked like this and he continued to look at it, and touch it, and talk about all the different fabrics used.

Then he turned to his wife and said it was time for them to get home. He felt a nap coming on and needed to use his new quilt.

Totally made my day! And maybe redeemed me for only being the Mom of a Marine?

Needless to say – I added another Marine to my family over this lunch.

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Anonymous said...

Goodness in the world..Thank you

Donna said...

Great QOV presentation. What a wonderful chance meeting of the Vietnam veteran and QOV presentation to him.❤️ Great story.

Linda said...

You brought me to goosebumps and tears! Both are great stories about the power of those quilts. They are a true blessing, and so are you.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Well, it was certainly meant to be that you bumped into that marine and his wife. I bet he had a great nap under that special quilt!!

Vicki in MN said...

That is the coolest story, kinda gave me goosebumps.

Tired Teacher said...

And THAT’s why we make QOV! Blessing to the Marine and to you for continuing to help veterans heal.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, what a fabulous story!! Not too long at all (and being the Mom of a Marine is still pretty darn awesome).

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post. Somehow, I think there was some divine intervention in your “chance” meeting. Though I do not make quilts of valor, I do help make quilts for cancer patients. We try to have patriotic ones for those who are veterans.

Miss Alissa said...

May have gotten a bit leaky eyed myself reading neat! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

That story brought tears to my eyes. I grew up during that time and classmates of mine were being killed. I've known several men who served a couple of tours also. Thanks for sharing.

Pam said...

What a special Marine story!! said...

What an amazing experience for the two of you!

Delighted Hands said...

Just amazing and a beautiful story, thanks!

Debbie B said...

Thank you for that beautiful story. My son served 12 years in the Marines and he loved almost every day. Thank you for your service to the military community.

Maureen said...

Thank you for this heart warming post and the love you and the other quilters. Now I need to find my Kleenex 🥹