Friday, January 31, 2025

Po Tay To ish Chip quilt finish - and !! Finished ( or not) Friday

Happy Friday!!!!

In December, I decided it was time to play with my 2 1/2 inch scraps and see what I could do. I really liked the look of those Potato Chip Quilts - so that is the idea I started with.

We all know me though - and know that lazy is a part of my game - and as I got started I wondered why I was cutting the scraps up - and not just using what I had - so.... this became the PoTayTo ish quilt.

Now!! PoTayTo ish is done!!!!              ( and I still have a 2 1/2 inch pile of strips/scraps!😖)

I had a hard time finding a good place to take the photo - the snow was everywhere - EVEN on my beautiful fake green grass.... so I tried to find a snow spot that the dogs hadn't ran thru yet....

I quilted some fun Paisleys on it - and the backing was this blue.  I really Really like this backing fabric - I wonder if I could find more?  wait... My goal is to use things - LET IT GO....

I had better stop that line of thinking... but man I really do like it!

PoTayTo ish turned out to be 64 x 80 ish - so it is perfect for a Quilt of Valor - and!! one of my stitching friends has already taken it to bind!! Whoop Whoop!!!

I know you all want to see my girls - they really are the stars of the show these days!! We are working on double commands - telling them to both do something, and then calling one to do something else while the other stays.... were about 50/50 in our success rate at this time.....

And now it is your turn to be the STAR!!!!

Direct Link up your post

and enjoy all the eye candy!!! 

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************************The End******************************

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Kat Scribner said...

It's a great PooTayToe chipish quilt, Alycia. Perfect for QOV

Kate said...

Very fun finish! It's nice to use up what you've already got. I'm trying to do that too, it's harder than it should be it seems.

Cathy said...

Good for you for using what you had. Why cut scraps into smaller scraps? When all is said and done you probably have the same looking block and a fantastic quilt - front and back. The backing has a Boho look so that fun paisley quilting just made for a perfect finish!

Linda said...

That is a beautiful quilt! I do love that backing too, do you remember what it is? Oh wait, don't tell me, I need to use what I have too! :D Your pups are definitely stars.

Sara said...

Snow on the nose . . . one of those perfect doggie days! I love how this turned out using those strips. After looking through my QOV leftovers there are more shorter pieces of the strips, so if I do this it will more than likely be a less "-ish" and more "potato". LOL

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of adapting the pattern to use what you have. Looks great and it is a FINISH.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love PoTayTo-ish! Great way to use what you had and make a beautiful quilt. That definitely is the perfect backing, too! Happy Friday, Alycia! said...

Beautiful finish!!! Those girls look ready for fun. . .they seem to be saying is class over yet Mom?

Melva said...

I like all of your QOV quilts, but that backing is lovely! I think I have one in grey. Thanks for the chance to share in your par-tay!

Tired Teacher said...

Great job! A wonderful scrapbuster.

time4stitchn said...

Love your version of Potato Chip. So pretty. Great quilting design: am in love with it! Wow training dogs: I admire what you do!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I love your PoTayTo ish Chip quilt! I get it - why cut up fabric when you don't have to? Besides, 2 1/2" doesn't need to be squares - can't they be strips? Your girls are doing great - 50% is a great start. Thanks for the party!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Love your take with the not-cut-up pieces!

PaintedThread said...

Great looking quilt!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

That's a great finish and great use of scraps. Love the backing.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Terrific QOV! The back is so beautiful, especially with your paisley quilting. Looks like your dogs love snow like my girl did.

chrisknits said...

They are just the cutest!! And you finish is wonderful, love the quilting design.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Lovely quilt, and backing too! Great idea to use your stash, scraps or not ;) Thank you for sharing and linking up!

Kathleen said...

What a cute quilt and fun that it has your own take on the potato chip craze. Best laid plans to link to you, sorry. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

Bonnie said...

LOVE Po Tay To ish Chip. You are right -- it takes forever to cut up those units.... and then to pick out which colors you want to use... I'll continue to make them for the time being. Your design works really well because of the limited colors you've used. Or maybe it's really the fact that the light is really light and the med/darks are very different from the lights. It's wonderful.

CathieJ said...

What a pretty quilt and a great way to use up scraps.