Meet P Wee....
Monday, June 28, 2021
Meet P-wee..... And Positivity update
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Rainbow Scrap challenge Placemats in Purple....
The color this month was for Purple
The goal was 7 placemats
I got close!!
I will be linking up to:
Friday, June 25, 2021
Green..... and Finished (or not) Friday!!!
I was challenged by a few of you to get my Green Placemats bound.... and what is a quilter to do but!
Rise to the challenge!!
I got to making some green binding... put in my Friends DVD and!! BAM!! They were done!!
Monday, June 21, 2021
My Surprise Baby is not a baby any more - and when she decided to grow - she kinda went like a weed... She is only 4 month old - but.....
Friday, June 18, 2021
Blue Placemats ..FINISHED!!! and..... Finished ( or not) Friday
This week I am celebrating a small finish... but a finish just the same!!
For the Rainbow Scrap Challenge ( hosted at So Scrappy) I have been making placemats out of my Block Box. I have been having a blast Quilting them and trying new patterns and new ideas, without the commitment of a king size quilt!! but!!
Did you know... that if you quilt them - you must bind them? ( oh ya!) and so now!!! my FInish for this week is all of the BLUE ones are Now bound!!
Blue is the Color for April - so according to my trusty pile - I now have Pink ( January), Yellow ( February) and Blue ( April) all bound.... I must not like Green ( March) much - cuz I just passed those on by.... which means - I had better get to binding in green!!

Now it is your turn - Link up your Finishes!!!
**********************************LINK UP*******************************
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Back in my Happy Place
Doesn't get any better!
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
The Quilt Ladder
if you remember - we decided to have our wood floors redone... and oh lawsy mercy do they look good!! But!! They kicked up a LOT of dust....
So Like one does when there is dust, and new floors - they clean and then! they decide to paint!!And ta da!! Here is the whole thing - now that bend in the floor - that a camera bend - I couldn't' get the whole thing in one shot! Oh!!
See my photo wall on the right - teal photo frames!!!
And!! the next thing I want to do is reupholster the chairs around the table - they are yellow and probably 100 years old - I think they need an update. But that will be my July project .
So that was a fun project.... wait till I tell you about my bathroom.... I kinda flooded it... so you know - we had to re do it as well. ( good thing my husband loves me!)
Monday, June 14, 2021
Diamond Back
I am working on my One Monthly goal and putting the blocks up on my wall, and I turn and look - and I scared myself!!!
You all!!! it looked like a rattle snake skin to me!!
It did to my husband too - so I am renaming the Rectangle Wrangle ( Quiltville design) to
and that is the only anything near a snake that I want to ever see in my life... yep!!
And ( oh Weedy Mama!! ) I would like to point out that I have finally made it as a quilter - I have 4 projects up on the design wall....
but! Better yet - I have a stack of them next to the sewing machine... its getting deep in here people!
Linking to:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll QUilts
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
Friday, June 11, 2021
A little Double Slice - and Finished... or not! Friday!!
Isn't that just so sweet? Now that I have that finished, and the hay ... I have been told it is time to mow fire breaks..... Is that fair????
Now it is your turn....Tuesday, June 08, 2021
Just a little weather
Yesterday late afternoon I got an alert on my phone - Tornado warning - take shelter. Of course, I texted my husband first ( working in the basement) and asked if he got one, he said no - but there is a cell by Denver.
So I went back to work, and then the skies got a little darker. I got up and went to the window and Bam!!
As soon as I finish chores ( okay really playing on the computer - I rode and did all my morning chores.... I just wanted to sound important) I'll turn on the news to see what other damage there was...
Monday, June 07, 2021
Positivity Blocks, a Gingham top and Scrap Blocks
This weekend was Cr-azy!!!! we had Heat and a huge thunderstorm, and about 17 inches of rain ... okay kidding - but there was a ALOT of rain, Hail and strong winds - so you know when storms happen - I get no stitching done.
I am too busy watching the rain - and of course the lightening. Some of the lightening was hitting at the same time it was thundering. My dog and I cuddled. and we watch for where the lightening hit... No fires ( shew!!!)
Positivity is growing!! And I decided to cut 10 more out, I had been doing them 2 blocks at a time. So now I am prepped for the week? Month? All the info and the pattern for Positivity can be found here:
Got my Little Gingham Top Done - I think mine is 50 x 58 .
and!!! My scrappy Leader Ender Blocks have grown into this:
Not sure if I will make more - or just start adding corners??? Who knows - we will see where the happy leads today ;-)
Quilt away!!!!
Linking up with:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Saturday, June 05, 2021
Purples Skies? Purple Horses? Or just Purple and horses and skies?
Today is the Saturday of the Rainbow Scrap challenge PURPLE color!!! and!! I found some purple blocks - I was a tad worried there! My son organized my block box, and Purple was way on the bottom.
Mostly I was worried I would mess up his great organization system - he has an eye for that sort of thing! ( whereas I use the Pile method)
So here are the Purples I will be working with this month:
Friday, June 04, 2021
Stars Unfurled times two - and Finished ( Or Not) Friday!!!
Happy Friday!!!!
As you (may) know - I have been working on the Stars Unfurled Pattern from Katie Mae - I tested her pattern... and I have to tell you - I think I got an A!!! Oh - whoops - maybe she got an A !! It's a great pattern and the instructions are very clear and great to follow!!
and now.... here are two of the Quilts that I made.....
Katie's pattern releases next Friday - and you will be able to find it here: Katie Mae Patterns
And now.... it is your turn to brag!!!
* Please link up a direct post - not your whole blog.* Don't forget to link back here - it brings more traffic to see all your friends quilt projects!
Wednesday, June 02, 2021
Dakota Inspired
Oh my gosh ...oh my gosh!!! I LOVE it when quilters send me a finished photo of a Mystery quilt - Oh!!! I just love seeing what they did!!!
The First was shared by Art In Search!!! Linda had a fun little option to her quilt - LOVE it!!
Are those side pieces Just Not Ah!!!! Mazing!!!! and if you click on the photo - it will take you to her blog so you can see how she did it!!
And then Donna!!! She made a GORGEOUS one as well!!!
her fabrics are SOOOOO yummy!!! I just love the Dark Blue!!!!
And now!! I finally have the pattern written in one file for you - It is written just like the mystery so its a fun step at a time way to get a quilt done!! And until June 14th you can take 25% off the pattern price with the code DAKOTA ( original right???)
Dakota Inspired Pattern just click right there and it will take you to the pattern!
Tuesday, June 01, 2021
Rectangle Wrangle (aka Brown Monochromatic Challenge) June OMG
Waaaaaaayyyyy Back in 2011 I participated in a Monochromatic Challenge - and it was a lot of fun, but! I never finished the Brown one. Sorta - I mean I got so far, and then I asked - should I quilt it as a table runner, or make it larger.... and then.... I just put it aside -and truthfully.... Forgot about it!
Imagine that - me forgetting about something!
Now it is all dug out, and I think - I will add at least 12 more blocks to it. Make it a lap Sized quilt and find a home for it.
This is the stage I left it in - and it measures 38 inches by 25 inches - so If I make 12 more blocks - in my mathically challenged brain - that makes it 38 x 50 ( ish) inches. and then I can see if I should add a border or..... quilt it as is.
This is my June One Monthly Goal - so I will be linking up with: and fingers crossed - will have a finish to show you at the end of the month!