Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Mystery L1 Fabric Requirements!!

Oh boy - I hope you are excited!!
and !  I hope this works!

Since the changes in Craftsy I wasn't 100% sure where or how to upload free patterns - so We are trying google drive.  If for some reason this doesn't work in the morning.... Check back - cuz you know I am messing with it right??

PS - thanks for the feedback!! It works - whoot whoot!!

So here is the link to the PDF ( Fingers Crossed)

L1 Clue 1 ( Fabric Requirements) PDF

and here it is typed out for you... just in case I can't make it do what I want it to do!

L1 Marvelous Mystery Quilt Clue 1

Welcome to the new Mystery! We will learn/practice precision piecing, strip sets, folded corners, block units, organization, and value placement. This is not a difficult quilt, but looks more complicated when done.

Fabric needed:
This quilt will make about a 68” x 80” quilt, bigger if you add an outer border (not included in yardage).
LIGHT:            at least 2 yards of fabric
MEDIUM:       14 fat quarters or 14- ¼ yd. WOF. You can mix ¼ yd WOF and fat quarters, just need 14 different colors
DARK:            12 different 2.5” WOF strips
The values need to be distinct. Any fabric- batiks, florals, prints- but do not have wide variations of value in the individual fabric- like white flowers in a dark or dark print in a medium. You can cut a 2” test window from paper to look the value it would be when cut up.

This quilt was designed by Linda Swanekamp

Alycia’s Notes – I used 14 Mediums in plaid… and am keeping the mediums in Blues ( and maybe a green - it was pretty!!)

Here are my Fabrics:

Would you be interested in doing a Linky Party? Next week we can do a Link up to showcase our fabrics that we will each be using on this mystery? You can link directly to your blog post, or IG post??

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

QOV Inspiration on a Tuesday!

Since Wednesday is going to be the Introduction of our NEW MYSTERY QUILT!!! Whoot Whoot

I thought I would show you some of the Quilts our Group got done to inspire you.... and make you think Red, White, and Blue!

The one above was Pieced by Elsie
and Below by Glenda

Both were quilted by Lois K!

This one was made by Connie and Joan
I LOVE that eagle panel

and each block has a fussy cut eagle in it
Ah! Mazing!!

The quilt on the left was pieced by Me, with Tumblers cut by Little Bit
The one on the right was pieced by Ethel

Both were Quilted by Sally in NE

And here we have a lovely Flags for Sue Quilt put together by Connie
and Quilted by Dawna

So the Next FIVE quilts ( 2 above, 3 below) were pieced by Meredith in AZ, and QUilted by Ron

This one ( below)
got my boys attention! They liked the graphic -ness of it!

Above - Pieced by Cyndi with my left over tumblers!! Whoot Whoot

Below - the left one was put together by our group with group blocks
and the right one - is the PATRIOT Mystery

Hope to see you all Wednesday for the Fabric Requirements!!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Don't Fence Me In.... TGIF Friday

Welcome to TGIF Friday!!

I LOVE having that little extra push to finish something!! and I needed it this month, it was a short month !!

Here is my February Finish!

It is called 
Don't Fence Me In
and the pattern is by Atkinson Designs
In her book Monterrey Medallions

and of course
This was a part of the Monochromatic Challenge
hosted by Judy at Patchwork Times

WAY back in 2011
( hiding my face)
I DID NOT think it was that long ago that I finished the top!!
But it was  *sigh*

And this is the backing
It was Kizmet - I was looking for something to back it with and I found this really bright orange piece

Of course, After I used ALL of the fabric I had
Little Bit told me he would want a shirt of that fabric..

umm  well

Maybe he will settle for the quilt??

and below
The quilting design called

(Quilted by Me!)

and NOW!! A finish!!

Which! Just in case you were looking for a Machine Quilter to work with you
I have appointments available 
( I'd love to partner with you!!)
Message me - email in profile

So that is my FINISH for this week -
and I am tickled Orange about it!!

Ready to share you finishes??


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Also linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric addict
Busy Hands Quilts
Colour & Inspirations
UFO Busting

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

QOV Wednesday, and MORE!

First the MORE!!!

Next Wednesday!!  This very next Wednesday coming up ( maybe the 27th??)   A WHOLE BRAND NEW MYSTERY is Starting!!  I can not wait to share this one with you.

my friend Linda Swanekamp ( Who blogs here :  ) designed it - and I LOVE it!!  I used Plaids.... are you surprised??

So mark your calendars to start that!


I will be hosting TGIF Friday THIS Friday... and is my finish a Surprise!! some of you may never have even known that I made it ( it might be that old!)

Okay - NOW the MORES are all done....

Its QOV Wednesday!

This one is the Kevin the Quilter Block drive block.... Nancy W made it and Debbie Y Quilted it

This one was made by my friend Judy and her Miracles Group
and quilted by Deb Y

This beauty was made by Kathy and Connie !!

This one  ( below)
was made by Sharon D in Loveland

and the last beauty for today
made by Connie and Kathy

hope you enjoyed the quilts - hope to see you Friday for you to show off a finish
and of Course on Wednesday for the start of the next mystery!

Monday, February 18, 2019

T Shirt Quilt Time!!!

Its that time of year again - T shirt quilt time!!

Perfect for graduations !!

This is whats up on the design wall today - and will ( hopefully) be a finished Quilt by the weekend!!

And then there has been a BUNCH of this!!

Bet you can't guess which one is my kid?
( above - photo by GPS imaging)

Cuz you all know that I don't like him right? ( ha ha ha)
( photo above and below by ME! ;-)  )

We head to district playoffs tomorrow

Wish us a lot of Luck!

Photo below
by GPS imaging

This is all of us at Senior night.... ... you know I am not letting him leave home right??

Linking to:
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Friday, February 15, 2019

My Plaid ChurnDash

While its not really a *Friday Finish*  it is at a new stage.... so phase 1 is Finished ;-)

Do you like my thought process? Ha ha

So here it is.... all the blocks are up on the Design Wall

( now I have to pause to finish a T shirt quilt)

Lest you think this was my own idea..... I got the magazine Modern Patchwork

and in it was this pattern!
She did hers in all blues and I really loved it.
I mean LOVED it!

But since my favorite color is plaid...
I just had to do it in plaid!!

Linking to:
TGIF Friday at Lisa in Port Hope
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
FInished or Not Finished at Busy Hands

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The next day

We survived!!!
There were 7 of us - Dawna ( Of Dawna;s Design Threads) Deb, Kaje, Sheree, Ethel, Charlene and Me .... and we all walked away .... ha ha

We had Machines from the school - so I set them up along one wall ( Outlets are a priority)

And we set up a cutting station in the middle of the room ( outlets not a priority!)

One of our happy stitchers!!!

and we set up design Tables
We weren't allowed to put anything on walls - so this worked well

We used the double Slice Block
and it was supposed to be 9 1/2 inches
But! We know how stitching isn't always the same on each machine
So Dawna ( left) trimmed all the blocks to 9 inches

Each Stitcher... had help!
Lots of help

Don't you love the FFA patch?

The Trimmings!

and the coolest part

If you teach a kid to stitch - they want to teach the other kids to stitch
It was awesome!!
They worked so well together

We got 1 total top done

and then we have one that just needs one more row stitched to it
We got a ton of blocks made - enough for at least 2 more tops
maybe 3

and the kids rocked!
They even bought us pizza!

Monday, February 11, 2019

The Double Slice and the FFA

As you are reading this ... there are 6 of us crazy quilters prepping to teach the FFA ( Future Farmers of America) how to make Quilts of Valor!!

We had 90 Students sign up - so see me tomorrow.... and see what we look like right? ha ha!

I decided that we needed to make a fun , simple block -so we will be teaching them Missouri Stars Double Slice Block

and look at me!

This pile here - is 360  - 10 inch squares!!

I sorta figured that each student could maybe make 4 blocks each? Maybe? but then as the day goes on - I might have the new students start putting them into quilt tops.... we shall see how the day goes!!

and these three blocks are going with me - Ms Deb - One of our quilters taught us how to make this block at our last QOV sew day - I took 3 extras home with me to finish... and she will be making lovely quilts with a lot of these from all our quilters!

Enjoy your day!!

Monday, February 04, 2019

Design Wall Progress

Remember this:

Layer one is now this!

The boys like it upside down
and since they were letting me sew during the SuperBowl
I will be nice and show it their way!

Layer two
This is the Leftovers of my Serape Weave Quilt
and now its a little quilt

Now I am working on Churndashes 
to finish layer three

Not to shabby eh?

Back to the sewing table!!!

Linking to:
Monday Making @ Love Laugh Quilt
Main Crush Monday
Design Wall Monday
Moving it Forward

Friday, February 01, 2019

Spinning Stars ... Finished!!

Whoot Whoot - I have another Finish... and....

It's a Quilt of Valor!!

I had a lot of fun making this one - I used all my 5 inch squares that I cut from extra backings - and went to town

*full disclosure* I did NOT use all of my 5 inch squares... I used all 5 inch squares for the blocks  !!

Each block took 4 Reds, 4 Blues and 8 Whites to make - all Half Squares - and .... Tada!!

QOV # 6 for 2019
Whoot Whoot!!!!

Linking to:
TGIF Friday at Devoted Quilter
Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Finished or not at Busy Hands Quilts

Oh Scrap at Quilting is more fun than Housework