Thursday, August 30, 2018

Planes Planes and CropDusters

A few weeks ago we heard a noise.... Puppy and I.... so we headed out to the deck - and saw the Crop Duster!!  I ran back in - got my camera - and I swear that CropDuster pilot posed for me!!

Puppy just barked at him.... and lot!

Don't you think he was posing? I really do think he saw me - and I loved it!! I was sorta hoping he ( or she) would land and say - hey let's go!!

Check out the prop - I froze it!!

And you all know - 
this takes talent


Look how low he gets!

I thought this was so cool
He was coming right at me, and then the Sugar Beet truck went by

To cool
and so representative of our agriculture!

Just for fun
Looked like the tree had ears!

I know its not quilty 
But it was so cool

They come every year - but I don't always get to see them
and not everything is always so green!

Enjoy your day!!

Linking to:

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Flags for Sue Update

Oh the mail - the lovely flags - the beautiful Patriotic Flags.....

This is just so cool to have these arrive at my house - its like Christmas

so here is the update to what has arrived at my house on Saturday at 10am

Wowsa right????

So as of last count we were at
327 Blocks
This post adds
58 Blocks

for a new total of 385 Blocks!


averaging 12 blocks per quilt that is  approximately
32 Quilts of Valor 
that will be made in Sue's Name
I linked to:
Midweek Makers

Monday, August 27, 2018

Building Churns

I am totally running out of Blog titles for this Churn Dash quilt.... I must need chocolate???

Anyways - I am making some progress on my Churn Quilt ...its kinda fun playing with it!

The math on the *fill ins* is kinda fun - but now, I have had a new thought - so ... am seeing where that will take me on this one.... stay tuned.... but don't hold your breath!

Saturday we went to the hay auction
I like that place... its full of action and numbers

and it smelled like hay
( hmm - do you wonder why?)

and you never know just what you will find at the auction

a family of Great Danes?
That was sorta unique

and this German Shepard was there
He thought he could intimate those Danes with his barking
One of the Danes went *Whoof* and the German Shepard went to sit behind its cowboy

I know you aren't supposed to laugh - but I did!!

PS - The New QOV Mystery Mosaic starts Sept 5th with the fabric requirements
Be Ready ;-)

Linking to:
Monday Making
Moving it frward

Thursday, August 23, 2018

TGIF Friday is HERE!!!

Welcome to TGIF Friday!!  I hope a lot of you had a chance to finish something this week!!! Or if your like me.... this Month - ha!!

Some of you may be new to my blog - so Hi!! I am Alycia  aka Quiltygirl! Many years ago I started my own Maternity Clothing company - and was actually the first one on the internet... ( don't age me tho ok!!)

One day I made a quilt.... it was for my Dad who had worked in New York at the Twin Towers ( 9/11)  for rescue and recovery. It has all the patches of all the fire departments of firefighters that he worked with,.... and I was hooked...

Bought a longarm - before really knowing what they could do - made quilts, and eventually sold my clothing business and here I am  - a full time quilter - who doesn't remember how to hem pants!!

Nice to meet you!!

This is my finish for this week!

I love a Churn Dash Block!!
The Missouri Star Quilt company had a tutorial that I fell in LOVE with 
and since them - have been churning them out of all my leftovers!

I even did a little math Tutorial on getting different sized Churn Dash's using their method of making them - you can find that here:  Alycia's Churn Dash tutorial

This is a Quilt of Valor and will be awarded to one of my Motorcycle Combat Veterans.
I think he will like it!!

Link up to your Finish ( or almost finish) of this week below
Please use the direct link, so later in the week I can get Right to it!



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Also Linking with:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Finished or Not at Busy Hands
Finish it up Friday

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Quilts of Valor Colorado

First - a really cool announcement!!

If any of you are Finished Friday people ( that is always my goal!)  I am hosting TGIF Friday THIS FRIDAY here on my blog!!!

So finish something up tonite - Blog about it and come link up Friday morning here:  ( and then it leads you to me and its cool!)

So A Little QOV inspirations for today!

Aren't they a happy Bunch!! This was so cool  - 3 of them had no idea why they were coming to our location!! and they were happy they didn't fight and just came along ;-)

Remember our Wonky Star Block Drive?
I made a dew more to finish out the blocks and tada!!

And this one was made by Ethel - I think the stars just make this one shine

This one is big Star Country - it is a Mystery quilt designed by me and hosted here on the blog
It is Mystery A6 in my Craftsy store

and PS - Mystery A8  Mosiac starts September 5th.........  mark your calendars!

And just one more presentation
These Guys are the greatest and I LOVE the hugs we get from them!!

What are you going to remember?

This Friday - TGIF Friday - right HERE!!!   ( go finish something)
September 5th - The Fabric Requirements for Mystery A8  Mosiac arrive.......

Friday, August 17, 2018

Taking the Backroads

I have been expanding my photo services a bit - and have started taking more family type photography. A family that lives a little out of the way asked me to come to do their photography. And I had a blast!!  I went down a really cool dirt road, and under a highway - and of course - I made my husband come drive for me - so I could yell  *STOP*  every time I want to take a different photo.....

Of course - this was after I photographed the family. I wanted to make sure I had enough card space and battery  ( Ok - I do - i have 3 batteries... and 4 cards... I just wanted to sound like I had priorities)

Want to see what I saw?

Hope you said yes !!

 The little town on the way is a pretty little town and this looms over it - if you all have been in eastern colorado on I76 - you have probably seen it!!

This may have been abandoned  ( ha ha) not sure tho!

You probably remember how much I LOVE black and whites?  If I had more walls in my house - I would have a million of them..... don't ask how many walls I have already claimed......

I tell you - the sunset was just magnificent! No buildings to block anything, and no lights turning on

This time of year the sunflowers start to bloom and poor farmers have to deal with every photog in the city coming out to capture them. A lot of times to the detriment of the crop. I know - these aren't really sunflowers - but I caught the look - and .... didn't get in any field!!   ( go me!)

We will call him Cliff
Cliff heard my car and heard the window go down and he gave me quite the stare.
Anywhere I moved... Cliff kept his eagle eye on me

At first it was funny - then it was kinda creepy
He felt big and bad as we drove away
he stared down that big ol white vehicle and claimed him pasture back

I LOVE barns!!!

And the skies - I feel the clouds and the skies really add so much drama!!

This is my fence post - by the time I let my poor husband stop driving it was pretty dark - but I love the effect of the stars in the sky with this one.

And another of Cliff - just cuz I like him... and I think - deep down under that angry stare.... he loves me

and this is the family
They are moving from this beautiful location and wanted some last memories of it
Here I tried to Photograph them looking  really nostalgic

The End

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

QOV Flags for Sue

Just sit right back and you'll take a trip - a trip with lots of photos..... ( I sang that in my head to Gilligan's Island - there is a reason I don't write music!)

are you ready!!
A TON of Blocks came in and I want you all to see them!!

I tried to write on each one - and if I knew their blogs I included them! Go check them out! These are such amazing quilters!!

All of these - 
including the top made by Connie represent   

135 Blocks

for a total of
327 Blocks!!!

Oh My Stars!!
I am so impressed !!
and overwhelmed !

This is just awesome
I so appreciate your love and support!!