Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Flags for Sue

Last weekend one of our great QOV quilters passed away.

Sue May was a part of the dynamic duo of Kathy and Sue - Sisters in real life, and Stitching Sisters.

These two are so amazing and Sue! What ever she could do to help ~ stepped up to the plate. She ran her Quilting machine almost round the clock to help out and make sure we had enough quilts for EVERY presentation. and she would drive up to me to help with whatever.

She always had a smile and a hug and an encouraging word to say. She will be greatly missed. Oh! and she helped teach her Dad to make Quilts of Valor!! ( she might have put anyone to work that she could!)

Please keep Kathy and her whole family in your thoughts and prayers - this has been a tough time for them all.

Our QOV group has decided to make a block in her honor and Put together Quilts of Valor in her memory 

This is the Block that we will be making for Sue. 

 Not only was Sue involved in Quilts of Valor but she also volunteered at the Police Department, so I thought this would be fitting.

 The block will be 14 1/2 x 18 1/2.  ( Mine came out at 15 x 18 1/2 - no worries I can trim to size if yours does too)
This was a really easy block to put together - and the pattern and directions can be found here:

You can also see the finished quilt there that we would like to make - of course - will make it a little bigger - to make it more like 60 x 80 inches

If you would like to participate - we would love it - all blocks should be sent to me by September 1st 2018
PO Box 233
Kersey CO 80644

PS - those are supposed to be Red and White - apparently the pic is turning out dark for some people so here is a better one:


Carlie Nichols by said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Wish I had met her. Will send you some blocks. Carlie in western NC

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

It is always hard to lose someone we care about. Hope you get lots of blocks.

Mari said...

What a nice way to honor your friend! My condolences all around for her loss.

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

So sorry for the loss of your friend and QOV helper.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I will definitely hold Sue and her family in my thoughts while I am making blocks to send in. What a beautiful way to remember her.

Cathy said...

What a wonderful way to remember Sue. My condolences to the family and flag blocks will be mailed soon.

Susan said...

I cut some strips this morning and will sew them tomorrow. I hope to have an envelope in the mail to you by Monday! A great tribute to a wonderful friend and helper.

Tamara Gassen said...

Sue & her family in my thoughts & prayers sending a block

Unknown said...

What a wonderful(and busy!) person Sue must have been, no doubt she and her talents will be missed. She and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope to get some blocks together and in the mail soon. Linda in western North Carolina

Barob Book Blog said...

I had the pleasure of meeting Sue and Kathy when they quilted some QOV's for me last year. They are awesome sisters and I send prayers of condolence and blessing for the family. Rest In Peace Sue and know you are cherished in this world and the next.
PS thank you for sharing this information Alycia.

Vicki in MN said...

Alycia, I am so sorry to hear of Sue's passing, she sounds like a wonderful generous person.

Kate said...

Sue's name came up often on your Wednesday posts. Prayers for her family. What a great way to honor her memory.

Patti said...

My two blocks are on their way. One for Sue, I also lost a sister so I know how you feel. The second is in honor of my beloved brother-in-law, a Korean vet who passed away last August.

Karla Brown said...

Sorry for the loss of your friend. I will send a flag block to you soon.

Dar said...

Hi Alycia, Kevin shared your block drive info with our Scraps Group and I have made enough for a full quilt already. It is so fun to use up scraps for this projects and for such a good cause.
Will get them to you before your deadline. I know you will lots of flags.