Friday, October 22, 2021

Plaid quilt FINISH!!! and Finished ( or not) Friday!

 Happy Friday!!!!

Hope your week was awesome!! 

I LOVE Fall - and it is so nice to be outside - so Quilting has taken a little back seat - but weeds have been burned, got a lot of fences tightened ( and the weeds cleaned out) ...

I did get a FINISH tho!!! Yay!!!

Just rotate your head a little

its plaid!!! and I love it!!
This was a quilt a long in my Stashbusters group maybe 2 years ago? I hate to admit how far behind I am - but!! I will never get bored right? Too many projects!!

I have a Cowboy Friend that I think this would be perfect for - One Christmas gift taken care of!!! 

Now show me your Finishes!!! I am assuming the closer we get to the end of the year the more finishes? or ?

 * Link up your direct post please

* Show us your projects 

*Let us Ohh and Ahhh

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Cathy said...

Can't go wrong with plaids no matter how old they are! And, oh, just love the quilting!

Donna said...

Thanks for the pattern idea! I have a bunch of plaid shirts that need to be used!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Beautiful plaid quilt!! It reminded me that I have a bundle from Minick and Simpson, I think somewhere in my stash...eeek.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on another fabulous PLAID quilt finish, Alycia!!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Great finish! I love all the plaids.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

awesome plaid stash buster! that's totally a quilt I would want to make myself...if I was a stash buster and had the pattern...LOL

grammajudyb said...

Love that plaid quilt! Is there a pattern or could I just wing it? Is it flannel or shirt fabrics?

quiltingbydawn said...

Nothing better than plaids! They evoke a sense of cozy, warmth. Nice finish!

Snowcatcher said...

This is such a beautiful quilt! Just the look feels soft and comfy! You are not the only one behind. I think I got to go into my sewing room one time this entire week, and it wasn't to work on a project. I needed a batik background for a crocheted snowflake photo... Let's hope the changing of the seasons gives us a little more time to sew!

Linda said...

I love your plaid! The quilting looks wonderful, that star! Is that a lap size? Lucky cowboy friend!
Thanks for hosting FONF. I decided to join the fun. :)

Delighted Hands said...

Isn't this just perfect?! The plaids look really good together in this layout! A good finish!

Bonnie said...

It looks like you used a lot of homespuns too. It makes a striking quilt. Congrats on the finish.

Vicki in MN said...

Great plaid and a great present for sure!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

What a cozy, fun quilt!!!

Vicki W said...

I love your plaid quilt. It will be such a perfect snuggle quilt for your cowboy.