Friday, August 13, 2021

Positivity - the FINISH.... and Finished ( or not) Friday!!

 I am so excited!!! I am actually on time for Preeti and Bernies Quilt Along !!!! 

So I am sure by now you have heard of the Positivity Quilt A long

 My POSITIVITY is now finished - it is quilted and It is bound!! 

and! It is in a bag to take to UPS and fly over to Bernie!!

Are you ready to see it - all complete ???

Just so you know - the Smoke and the sun make really really weird photos!!

But!! here is a close up of the quilting:

and because I am sure you want to see the back as well:

I sure hope this one brings a smile to someone!!

So last week - did you see a post or two you really liked?

This one got added to my Bucket list - and!! It got the most views - so I guessing we may see a few of these popping up soon?

RSC Jumbo Granny Squares by Gretchens Little Corner!!


Now it is your turn!!

Not a lot of rules but:

  • Link up to the Direct post of your Finish
  • Visit a lot of sites
  • and please be sure to link back to FONF - we love to have more people participate!!



Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Also - Linking up to:


Gretchen Weaver said...

I love your positivity quilt! I haven't started one yet, I want to sew up all these various blocks I've made for RSC. Positivity will be a perfect project for RSC next year, happy stitching!

Cathy said...

Positively fabulous!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Terrific finish - and thanks for that pattern link.

grammajudyb said...

Ooh! Congrats! So pretty! I vow to get my binding done today, then a trip through the washer and dryer and off to UPS on Monday!

Delighted Hands said...

Beautiful! I like the variety of yellows which really gives it texture, too. Nice quilting design!

Mari said...

Your positivity quilt turned out great!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Your quilt turned out great! I just could not squeeze it in as I got inundated by comfort quilt request. I still want to do it.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh man, I hope the smoke isn't from any close by fires and that it gets better soon. That said, hooray for the finish and I'm sure amazed at all the quilts being made and sent to Bernie for her hospital. Amazing!

Sandra Walker said...

Oh it is a beauty Alycia!

Meredith said...

This quilt is a winner! A+!

Snowcatcher said...

Congrats on another great finish! Love the quilting. I might have to try that some time...

Carol Andrews said...

Your Positivity Quilt is beautiful.

Ivani said...

It is beautiful, love the quilting and for sure it will bring a smile to someone.

WeedyMama said...

You and Pretti! Neither one of you must ever sleep.

Positivity is very striking, and I do really like that swirling, smoky quilting pattern.

The smoke seriously moved in here yesterday, and we have had 'blood orange' sunsets the last several nights.

It's been a strange summer.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Oh, I like it a lot, Great job!

Kate said...

Love the blue and tan colorway you picked. Congrats on another beautiful finish.

Vicki W said...

I love your quilt and I really like that quilting design a lot.

JanineMarie said...

Oh yes, sure to bring a smile. Front and back views? Yes please, always. I love the swirling quilting with the pluses. Do take care with all that smoke.

Bernie Kringel said...

Alycia - love your Positivity quilt!! Great colors, beautiful quilting - it is lovely! Thank you so much!!

The smoke is awful here too. We get an occasional break from it when the wind shifts but then all of a sudden it is back and the air is absolutely gray, which with ash. :-(

Preeti said...

Handsome quilt and you did an awesome job on quilting. I love the warm yellows and bright blues in your Positivity quilt. The backing looks like little light points :-) and it is making me smile as I type. Thank you so much for joining the QAL.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I love all those golds you used.