Friday, August 06, 2021

Scrappy Rail Fence Finishes and...... Finished ! or not! Friday

Oh how I love a Rail Fence - the scrappiness, the Variety, that *where's Waldo * moment!! 

These two Rail Fence Scrappy quilts are No exception - they have such fun finds in them - and when I was quilting them - I'd have to stop and read a piece of fabric, or laugh at the little doggies face!! They are just too fun!!

These two tops were made by San ( GypsyQuilter) and she had sent them with the intention that they go to Veterans... and guess what?  They will be! 

So I was excited to quilt them up - and guess what!!!! I bound them - I tell you there is a sickness going on over here... but I probably should not be healed of it - as that way more quilts get out the door!

This is the first one - and of course - Since I used a solid back - you just HAVE to see this quilting! I had a blast following these lines!!

And this is the second one. 

Aren't they fun and colorful? The are just filled with all sorts of Visual goodness!

I was so glad to have these tops ready to quilt when the call came for these to be needed. Its kinda cool how that works out, and it wasn't even planned!

Alright!! NOW it is your turn - 
  • Brag away - show us what you finished this week.\
  • Remember to link back, and invite others to join.
  • And also!! remember to check out everyone's links! 
  • Enjoy!!

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and don't forget:
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Also linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Gretchen Weaver said...

Beautiful quilts! I haven't made a rail fence in a long time, maybe it's time to pull that pattern out again. Happy stitching!

loulee said...

WOW! The quilting is amazing. No wonder you shared it.

Linda said...

Alycia there is definitely a sickness out your way - lol! But it's a good one - those quilts are very pretty and the quilting is beautiful. I would love to be a fly on your wall while you're quilting and hear you laughing out loud over the fabrics. :D
What kind of quilting machine do you have?

Kat Scribner said...

Oh YES ! I love that quilting. Did you just stitch in the ditch around the rails??

Vicki in MN said...

I would never have been able to follow straight lines on a panto like that-kudos to you! So proud of you on the binding thing:)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are definitely happy and scrappy! Someone is going to love them. So wonderful of you to finish them up, Alycia!

Delighted Hands said...

Just beautiful! I don't know what's wrong with my thinking but I have never thought to make a rail fence quilt from scraps! shame on me! lol

These two quilts are beautiful and you bound them already-great job!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

You are on a roll! The quilting looks amazing and I bet those quilts are full of delightful details that the veterans are going to appreciate.

San said...

My goodness, I started those in 2013. Not sure when I mailed them to you though.

So glad they're going to a good home!

San / Gypsy Quilter Designs

The Joyful Quilter said...

Love, love, LOVE these scrappy quilts, Alycia!!

Preeti said...

Gorgeous finish, Alycia!!! Love the back too. If that is a sickness, I do not wish to be cured. Enjoy the weekend!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beautiful quilts, and I love your quilting too!

Bonnie said...

Great finishes. Did you hand guide all those little blocks? Or are they bigger than I think they are? No matter they are completely done and ready for giving away. Great job.

Quilter Kathy said...

Fabulous scrappy quilts! I wish I would have a desire to finish something instead of starting new things all.the.time!

KatieQ said...

I love the mix of fabrics in these quilts. Using a solid for the back was a great decision because the quilting is absolutely amazing. The texture is beautiful.

Snowcatcher said...

Your quilting always astounds me. These are lovely, and what a great cause!