Friday, June 05, 2020

Pretty Batiks and.... Finished ( or not) Friday

Happy Friday!!
You have made it!!!

This week has been a very intense week of Quilting on Client Quilts
It is awesome! I love all the variety my client bring!

And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors on this one!!

Didn't she just use THE best Color Palette!

and now!!

it is your turn to brag on what you have Finished ( or not!)

Hopefully you all had productive weeks!!




Delighted Hands said...

Great quilting on this one! So nice to bring a quilt top to life!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Love the colours. Sounds like it's been a busy quilting week for you. Have a great weekend.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Lovely quilting, Alycia!!

Kate said...

Beautiful quilting. I'm really partial to that color palette, it's one I've used a lot.

dq said...

I love the colors! I love the quilting! I love the fabric! I love the pattern! Love love love!

chrisknits said...

Whoa, maybe I don't want to come visit you! LOL.