Friday, June 26, 2020

Cowboy Quilt top.... and FINISHED Friday!!

Yippee Ki Yay!!!

I got my Cowboy Quilt to the TOP stage - yay me!!

I have been working a little each day, and all of a sudden - I knew that if I put dinner in the oven, and ignored everything until the buzzer went off... I could get it topped... .and then I grabbed a kid - Bam!!

There it is!!

And you know - this may be the one time my Brown grass looks good - It gives it a nice background right?  and a few cows are there grazing... just to make you think it is all quiet and Idyllic here ( bwah ha ha)

Gratuitous Dog photo.  he is my buddy and follows me everywhere. We have started walking every morning - and so far - he goes a mile before he thinks we should quit. Pretty good for a tiny dog!  But man does he get dirty!!

Now!! It is time for you to brag!! What is your Finished ( or not) Friday brag? Link away!!



PS - this is the first time I am trying and InLinkz with the new Blogger.....

PPS - we had 31 Linkups last week... How many did you get to read? Bonus points if you saw all of them!! There was SOME GREAT inspiration!!

Linking to:
Finished Friday  at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Peacock Party   at Wendys Quilts and More


Cathy said...

That was a fast and fabulous make! I do love browns. Idyllic, huh?? Looks like heaven!

Delighted Hands said...

You made good work of this one! Must have been a calm week on the ranch!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

How fun; congratulations! We don't call it brown grass out here, it's "tawny" LOL. I think we only see green for a few months a year.

Preeti said...

A cowboy covered in chocolate and cream - Oh yes, yes, yes!!!
I will have whatever Alycia is having :-D

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! Yippee to getting the Cowboy quilt to the topper stage. And a nice quilt top it is. I'm not much on brown . . . I don't think I have much of it in my stash. But I love your quilt! I wonder why I don't use it more - I adore creams, tans, and all colors leading up to brown. I think You're inspiring me to jump into my own Cowboy quilt. I can't wait to see how you'll quilt it. Happy Friday to you and thanks so much for the linky party. ~smile~ Roseanne

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Congrats on the quilt top finish. It looks great.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, that's a great looking quilt. Congrats on your finish!

Wendy F said...

I love your cowboy browns! Glad your quilt shop could help you out with the perfect fabrics.

loulee said...

Lovely quilt. It would make a great blokes quilt.

Karen's Korner said...

You get to that point and need to push onto a finish. Well done.

Nann said...

The light/dark contrast makes these brown cowboy prints sparkle! (We got 1.5" of rain yesterday so things are considerably greener here than they were earlier in the week.)

Rebecca Grace said...

Nice job on your cowboy quilt, Alycia! And OF COURSE a cowboy quilt post needs a "gratuitous dog" photo. Reminds me of a picture book we used to read to our kids, called The Dirty Cowboy. It was about this cowboy who bathed really infrequently, and when he went to the lake or the stream or wherever to get clean he told his dog to guard his clothes. But when he came out of the water smelling all nice and clean, his dog didn't recognize him because he didn't smell right anymore -- so he had to wrestle his dog to get his clothes back... which got him all filthy dirty again, and made the dog happy because now he smelled like "his cowboy" again. :-). The illustrations are awesome, so if you love dogs AND cowboys, you should check it out:

Michele said...

I turned out great.