Happy Friday!!!! AND !! Happy Valentines Day!
I got a little behind in my own finishes - but!! I helped to Finish Liz's QOV!!!
WE were gifted some fabrics from a QOV'er out east - so I put together some quilt kits - various Quilters took them home from one of our meetings - and Liz brought hers back ( okay!! a lot of them brought them back - they are too fast!!)
I got this one quilted!!! and it will go back to Liz to bind!!
I am still going to count it as a finish - since is was on my to do list!
And this week - started okay but turned brutal!! Certain folk have led you to believe that when it is winter the Ranch chores slow down. (I heard a News Anchor say that!)
I am here to call Phooey on that - Even though I have tank heaters, Ice still has to be chopped - the wind - not helpful. Animals need to be fed more - horses especially - if they have full tummies they can stay warmer.
Which also means you are hauling feed around a lot more.... and needing more time in the day ha ha
Now it is your turn!!
BRAG Away!! let us cheer you on!!!
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Link up your direct post please -
and visit - I love getting little comments - I try to reply, but sometimes.... well - just know that I LOVE them - they make my day 💓💕
********************The End **************************
*********************Link up ************************
Love everything about this QOV!
That is a lovely QOV. Goodness, do folks really believe that chores "slow down" in the winter? Do they think the livestock feed and water themselves, or that fences and buildings just take care of themselves? Hope you have a great weekend!
Love Liz's QOV. Is that one of your patterns?
That is another really pretty QOV. Very nice quilting! Well, that anchor guy was an idiot, because you are absolutely right - those chores increase when it's this cold. Plus moving snow so the critters could actually get to the water tanks or feed. We had one big water tank near the north side of our big barn that was on an Artesian flowing well. It didn't usually freeze, but there was always snow to move so the cattle and horses could get to it.
It was bitter cold this week, and I know you did everything needed to keep your animals happy. Congratulations on still getting this quilt finished and off your list!
Love those quilts of valour!
Beautiful QOV finish!!! And for me, it was shoveling a path to the barn to do all of those chores!!!!
I love this pattern, what a nice QOV! Sorry about all the winter chores in the cold and snow. It's amazing how many people idealize farming and ranching. It's a good life, but it's hard work!
I really like that QOV quilt. Is there a pattern available? It's hard to believe that there would be less work in the cold weather. I didn't realize that there was more, but just being out in the bitter cold is an extra chore in itself.
Hi Alycia, another great finish! Thanks for setting the record straight on having the winter off or at least being able to take a break when it's cold! Maybe that's only for crop farming? Good luck - the cold will eventually break :-)
That's a fun design.
Congrats on a very fun QOV finish. You have to be so tough to farm in this kind of weather. Stay warm, stay well, it really is brutal out there.
Ooh, love that design for a QOV! Do you do a rolling acceptance of finished QOV tops or do your quilters have a deadline that they have to get them in by? Without a doubt, when it comes to ranch life (Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall) there is no rest for the weary!!
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