I think I found a new Block that I have accidentally become addicted to.
I've made it before, but when I started my Blocks in September, I think.... well, I might have proof, that it sparked something. I WILL NEVER give up my beloved Churn Dash - but heck fire - these are SO fun!!!
Are you ready for the spiral? In september I started making these with my 5 inch square box - I thought to clean it out. ( THOUGHT is the main word there)
But then... I saw my Patriotic plaids - and I turned my whole QOV group on to them. While they were making blocks I was SURE that I could do a whole Quilt in Patriotic Plaids....
Here is my Progress report: Did you know I would need 80 blocks to make a QOV sized quilt? Me neither - I didn't really think to do the math before I started... Rookie mistake -
here are my EIGHTY!!! Blocks - and then I started putting them on the design wall.....
I might have had a lot of the same Light Blue Squares - so I wanted to spread them out a bit....
All out on the design wall - and now!!! ALL out in a TOP!!! Whoot Whoot!!! the top is complete!!!
Wait - did you want proof that I am addicted???
I had a few blocks in my pile from when I originally started - so I pulled the Pink blocks, and then I pulled my pink 5 inch squares out....
I divided the stack of pink Squares to start making the HSTs and the 4Patches... I wanted to end up even....
Blocks started coming together....
Again - I didn't do that Math thing that is SO helpful, I just started putting them up on the wall....
I finally got all the Blocks done and found out I was TWO short for the layout I saw in my head.... You all know I have pink in the stash.. so I went and cut 4 more pink squares - and TA DA!!!
I now have a Pink Diamond Chain quilt ( or Pink Buckeye Beauty ) I have to say Pink Diamonds sounds better... richer haha!
Now Hopefully this will be a top by the end of today!!
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