Saturday, November 30, 2024

Gratitude 30


This is the day that the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it - Psalm 118:24

Thanks for following along with this years Gratitude Project - I have had fun using my photos of the places I have been, and on the Ranch. I hope you found one or two that you liked, 

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Friday, November 29, 2024

Gratitude 29


The Sky is the limit, you never have the same experience twice - F McCourt

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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Gratitude 28 - and Happy Thanksgiving


Enjoy Every Moment

Photo taken at Devils Backbone, Colorado

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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Gratitude 27


Today I choose to live with Gratitude for the Love that fills my heart,

the peace that rests within my spirit,

and the voice of hope that says all things are possible.

Photo taken at Vedawoo Wyoming

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Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Gratitude 26


if there is Gratitude in your heart, then there will be a tremendous sweetness in your eyes.

Off the coast of California

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Monday, November 25, 2024

Gratitude 25 and a little Quilting


Two Kinds of Gratitude:

The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give. - E Robinson

Taken looking southeast from my office.

This is the time of year it seems that quilters get busy, and crazy, and think of all the things they wanted to do throughout the year - and are now finishing up. What??? That isn't you? What kind of quilter are you? 

Just kidding - I have a pile of things I thought I would have finished... so maybe it is just me? My quilting clients are all pretty good this year - they all made appointments early on, so I actually don't feel stressed in the quilting queue! 

Those are just some little Quilting Quips on some of the quilts I have quilted. - I like taking little snippets!!

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Sunday, November 24, 2024

Gratitude 24


Gratitude helps you to grow and expand. Gratitude brings joy and Laughter into your life and into the lives of all around you.

Another hiking in NoCO - this hike ended with a burger at the Mishawaka Inn.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Gratitude 23


Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency, and you will attract much better things - R Byrne

Friday, November 22, 2024

Gratitude 22, a Scrappy Quilt and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!


I would maintain that Thanks are the highest form of thought, and the Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder - G Chesterton  Taken somewhere in Northern Colorado while hiking

Several years ago - I got a call from a quilter. She said she had fabric that she needed to donate, sell , and move out of her house. Could I help? I loaded 2 of the 3 boys and we headed over to her house. She had a lot.... we sorted, and donated, and sold, and I don't want to do that again 😅

When we were getting to the end of her piles she wanted us to go thru, she pulled out some already completed Quilt tops - super scrappy ones. The fabrics were so fun. They are all probably 60-80's based on her stories about them

She was in a wheel chair/scooter and was not going to be able to finish them, so she handed them to me and said - Can you quilt them and get them to someone to love? 

I Quilted the first one and took it back to her. I quilted the second one, and kept it. Me and Puppy just loved it. Now Bella gets to look at it on my lap. She is not quite as gentle as Puppy was. but I have faith - she will get there...... 

and now this is the third one. I quilted it with BIG hearts all over it!!

It is washed and ready to find its home. This photo was taken during sunset. Its amazing how the colors change - the other two were in full sunlight on a different day.

That is my finish for this week. So next week is Thanksgiving week. We will SKIP FONF on the 29th of November, but have plenty of room for TWO link ups on December 6th

I hope that works for you!!!  And How many of you are jumping in on the Bonnie Hunter Mystery? I have seen some of your posts - I am still on the fence.... but..... I sometimes just have to start way m ore things that is prudent!!

Time to Link up:
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Thursday, November 21, 2024

Gratitude 21


You cannot do a kindness to soon, because you never know how soon will be too late.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Gratitude 20 and I have a crumb problem


"We often take for granted, the very things that deserve our Gratitude"
Photo in Eastern Colorado

and now... my Crumb problem

Remember this weekend I decided it was high time to sort the scrap bin - and look at this HUGE pile of reds - I have started in - I started 15 blocks, but I have a feeling that when I get to the strips - I may be able to make even more.... oh boy....

Linked to My corner of the World

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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Gratitude 19

 Gratitude is when Memory is stored in the Heart -

On the coast in Northern California

Monday, November 18, 2024

Gratitude 18 and Crumb Blocks


Opening your eyes to more of the world around you can deeply enhance your gratitude. 

This was in Rocky Mountain National Park, after a great hike - and those are my husbands feet, He was threatening to throw me in so I took out my camera so he would remember he didn't want to replace it.

I got a wild idea... I have a scrap box at the side of my sewing table. For some reason I decided it was time to sort it. I think It might have had to do with the fact that my husband wanted to move some panels.... and I didn't want to - so I had to look busy.

I found enough Greens or greenish looking fabrics to make 14 -  8 1/2 inch crumb blocks!!

and then I saw a stack of things in a cubby.  Note to self - NEVER LOOK IN THE CUBBY!

I have more orphan blocks...

Happy Monday!

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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Gratitude 17


Develop an Attitude of Gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step towards achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.

This was one of my favorite hikes in the Rockies.

and also - I am really bad at knowing dates, My life is more like to-so lists - so number these posts is really making my brain work hard 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Gratitude 16

Feeling Gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. - W Ward

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Friday, November 15, 2024

Gratitude 15, Framed 9 Patch and!! Finished!!! ( Or not) Friday!


Gratitude is the sign of Noble Souls - Aesop
Photo taken in Indiana 

On to my Finish!!!
I got this little Framed 9 patch quilted up and bound!! 

I feel like on a bit of a *clean out* mission. Making sure that things I have laying around are getting finished, and Hopefully out into the world.  I used a really fluffy flannel on the back.

That being said - I do a TON of QOV's. I take a TON to Hospice, I have some listed for sale on my Etsy site.. what are some other options? suggestions? 

And of course - I try to label them all, at least with my first name and state.....
Don't forget to label your quilts  - I like using this pen, it does not wash out ;-)

Now tell us what you have been up to?  What are you working on? what did you get finished? What kinds of dessert are you planning for Thanksgiving????

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*****************The end******************

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Thursday, November 14, 2024

Gratitude 14


Gratitude for the present moment, and the fullness of life now is the true prosperity - E Tolle

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Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Gratitude 13 and Hats


Things you can give and still keep are: your word, a smile, and a Grateful Heart

You might remember a few years ago my friend M reached out to see if she could find some people to help her knit hats?  Well - you know crafters know crafters who know even more crafters. And these are three that I know - they made 300 hats this year!!!  ( I made 25) So I was SO impressed and SO Grateful!! These will go to fill Operation Shoebox boxes.   I am so tickled,

Two of them knit them, and 1 Looms them like I do:

Using this Loom :     

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Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Gratitude 12


This is a wonderful day! I've never seen this one before. - Maya Angelou

I took this one in Joshua Tree, CA

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Monday, November 11, 2024

Gratitude 11, a Top , and maybe my dogs ;-)

 Happy Veterans Day!

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them. " - JFK  Photo - my back yard in the morning

and onto the TOP!!! So these blocks were donated by Sew Downtown - the Quilt shop in Greeley, and they are so striking. I have  presentation coming up to a Motorcycle Veteran and I thought of this panel - and got to playing....

Its a really simple way to use these blocks - but I think it is so striking!! I hope the Motorcycle Vet will LOVE it!!  I have a few months, so I am pretty proud of myself for starting early! 

and now DOGS!! we got hit with a snowstorm!!! Southern CO got it worse than I did, but!! it was still so fun to take the pups out in it!! They had a blast!!

Ms Bella Bean - giving me the evil eye - as I am holding the ball as a bribe.
That also works for Daisy Doolittle.... but she is Very INTENT!!

And look!! I can walk them together ( sort of) now!!
You will notice they both have muzzles. 
Daisy sometimes gets the notion she should nip at Bella, who thinks that means its roll on the ground and rough house time. So the muzzles! Saves us all. It actually makes them a tad calmer, and less interested in each other. 

I have been able to successfully walk them together for 4 days now - not every walk, cuz they need their play time - but you all - My heart is SO happy!!! I can get them both ready by myself now, and we can go out!!  We are still working on being in the same room together, but - its getting BETTER!! I am so happy - and so worn out... Quilting truly is keeping me sane haha!

PS - when comments come thru I have mostly had email addresses to reply - the past few days ( or a week) Everyone is coming thru as a no reply blogger... do you know what changed?

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