Friday, November 01, 2024

Blue Monday ( the BQ4) is finished and!!! FInished!!! (or not) Friday!!

Happy Friday!! Whaaaatttt? Its already Friday? Where did Monday thru Thursday go? Holee cow  - this week flew by. I love to blog so that I can remember what I did, and now I am not sure what I did that made this week go by so fast!!! 

Back in June, I got the BQ4 Quilt pattern and started playing with it in some beautiful Blues!!

Today!! that quilt is Quilted, and bound, and ( no laughing) draped over a dining room chair. But it looks so pretty there!!

I like how it turned out! and I really like that combination of Blues! That striped binding just makes the whole thing!!! I will tell you that this quilt pattern challenged my brain, caused me to think a little, and actually plan - so maybe it was a good thing to challenge me eh?

Hey- I do know what I did... remember a few weeks ago I sprained my ankle? well - Since I was almost recovered on my right foot, I let the doc talk me into moving my Big Toe surgery up - and I did that. I whined. it was on my left foot - I look goofy trying to walk and figure out which foot causes the least pain to do certain movements....  Just so you know, I think this is why I don't go to doctors... they hurt!

Heres to a restful weekend, and a Quilty one!!

What happened in your world? Are you still working on Finishes? 

are you moving on to Holiday things? Are you starting a new quilt? 

Fill us in!!! and here's to a great finishing week!

*****************Link Up ****************

*****************The End**************

PS - thanks to those who are trying the Binding ladders - I am having fun wrapping all my bindings!!

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Anne-Marie said...

It's so pretty; I love it!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I LOVE your blues, they're so pretty! You are right, striped binding is just awesome! Cuddle up under that quilt now and let your feet rest.

Linda said...

Oh my on the big toe and the pain! Hope you heal quickly. Your blues quilt is just beautiful!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a beautiful finish, Alycia! The blue with black and white is a great combination. So sorry to hear about the toe surgery, though. Hope you heal quickly!

Cathy said...

Very striking and fabulous quilt!

Delighted Hands said...

You did extremely well with this creation! Love the look-and the binding!

Sara said...

OMG - that is so beautiful!! You know I love blue and white anyway. But I love that design too.

Pam said...

The BQ4 quilt is gorgeous!!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, your blue quilt is beautiful!!!! I love the pattern, the fabric and the quilting - a total success! Sorry about doctors....yes, they can hurt. Take care of yourself.

Nann said...

The pattern is a great way to show off large-scale prints. Your toe will feel so much better before you know it.

Jocelyn said...

It turned out really cute.

Vivian said...

Forget about how fast this week went, how is it November already?!?! Wow, love that quilt! You can't go wrong with a blue quilt and now I think I see the next one I'd like to make, LOL!!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

That's a great pattern. Who doesn't love a striped binding!!

Kate said...

Beautiful blues! A lovely finish. Well at least you have the surgery over and the toe can heal along with the ankle. Hopefully everything heals quicky and you aren't hobbling for too long.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Gorgeous blues in your BF4. Lovely quilt. Prayers for healing.

grammajudyb said...

Gosh, that’s gorgeous. I’ve made a couple of BQ designs.I like them. A good pattern for larger prints. I’m trying to get the binding done so I can post to finished or not. I have had so many “ nots”, that it would be fun to post a Finish!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Great quilt! I love it when I can't figure out how the pattern works! Lovely blue fabrics and your usual fabulous quilting make it perfect.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

What a great pattern. You did it proud. I had fun trying to deconstruct the pattern and then letting my mind drift as to how it could be done as a RSC quilt.