Friday, August 20, 2021

A Quilt of Valor and!!! Finished ( Or not) Friday

Happy Friday!!!

We got a tiny little bit of rain this week - so we are all happy dancing around here and pretty much praying for more.  People tell us Colorado is not in a drought - but they sorta forget our county when they say that - and we are!!! So any little bit of rain is good.... except... with that and the smoke - my poor little rural internet just doesn't know what to do !!

I had Two Finishes this week!

This one : I finished quilting. My Friend Ethel made the top - and I quilted it all up for our next QOV sewing meeting. She will take it back and Bind it.. oh ya!! Easy on me!

I had fun!! I quilted Eagles in the triangles and eagle heads in the corners... 

and for my Second Finish!! I participated in the Orange You Glad Blog hop by Creatin in the Sticks - and Wednesday was my day.... So I showed off my Orange you glad - and!!! I did a little block tutorial ( go me!!)

You can read that full story on this post:

You know the drill:

Link up your DIRECT post to your Finished ( or not) post

Link back to this post 

and Visit the blogs - I do all of them .. but commit to at least three! Share the love

And have fun!

*******************Link up here***************************



Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beautiful two finishes, I love your quilting!

Jenny K. Lyon said...

I am amazed at how much you get done in a week in addition to your normal busy life! The eagles on the QOV are the bomb. And I'm thinking those are freehanded? What a precious quilt for the recipient.

julieQ said...

Your quilt of valor is just perfect...and that orange! So cheerful and fun!

Cathy said...

Oh, gosh, such fancy quilting! Love it!

And that's a lot of orange to love! I'm going to go check your tutorial now.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Love the RWB quilt. The orange quilts are amazing. You certainly are productive!

Linda said...

That QOV is just beautiful! Glad you got some rain and hope you get a lot more.

Delighted Hands said...

just beautiful results! I will be praying for more rain!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The quilted eagles are such a fun touch and hooray for passing off the quilt to be bound by someone else. I'm so happy to hear you got some rain and hope more is on its way for you!

Snowcatcher said...

We keep chanting, "More rain, more rain, more rain!" Fingers crossed...

Love both of these, but I've always got a special fondness for QoV quilts. Eagle quilting is so appropriate!

Susan said...

Nice QOV!

Kathleen said...

Love your quilt of valor quilt! It is perfect and will be loved and appreciated.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! Congrats on the super duper finishes this week. I just love the QOV. The layout of the quilt top is awesome and I love your quilting choices. The Eagles are just the perfect choice, I think. And your orange-inspired quilt is equally fab. I love orange and it pairs so nicely with pink and yellow - love the whole thing! ~smile~ Roseanne

The Joyful Quilter said...

Fabulous finishes, Alycia!!