Friday, November 20, 2020

A11 FINISH .... and its Finished ( or not) Friday

 Happy Friday!!! 

If you follow me for more that just Fridays - you will know that we just wrapped up our Mystery A11 .... and because I really really really wanted mine done before I wrote the pattern.... I did it!! and!! I kept it a secret!!   

I am so good at secrets these days... you have NO idea..... haha!!

So here is my Finish.... 

The wind was blowing ( as usual) but my quilt grew feet !   Whoop Whoop!!

Now here is the thing... A11 needs a NAME!!!!  It really really does..... any suggestions? Leave them in the comments, I think I may be brain dead on coming up with names this week.

And now it is your turn!! did you know there were 35 finishes last week? We quilters know how to hunker down right??

Show us what you have Finished ( or Not)

  • * Link a direct link to the Quilty Post you want to share
  • * Visit at least three others - leave a comment - you may make a new friend
  • *Add a link back in your post - let others see all the Quilty goodness!


* **********************************************************

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Linking to:
TGIF Friday at
Can I get a Whoop Whoop  at Confessions of a Fabric addict


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I'm not good at naming quilts, sorry ;) But yours is beautiful!

Marcia in TX said...

You could name it Stars in my Heaven. It is beautiful and that quilting sets it off nicely... Like wind between the trees.

Vicki in MN said...

That is a real beauty! Stars Across America?

Cathy said...

I just need to assemble my A11 top now but won't get it completed until next year. I'm always short on backings. I thought the name of the quilt was "God Bless America" since that is what was on the A11 logo!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I don't have a name to suggest, but it is simply wonderful!

Delighted Hands said...

This is an incredible finisih! I love the way the quilting added to the texture and the outer space feeling! How about Stars Aligned for a name?

Judy in Michigan said...

Look to the Stars - Be calm or Look to the Stars to remain Calm

Love your quilt!

Bernie Kringel said...

I am the worst at naming (and labeling) quilts - but it is a great one!!! Have a nice weekend Alycia.

Nann said...

Friendship's Chain? (It's a great design!)

Laurie at Laurie's Place said...

Hi Alycia,

I love your quilt! I've always liked star patterns and the red, white and blue color scheme is great and I like the diagonal setting too.

Some others have suggested some great names, but in keeping with the Keep Calm that Judy in Michigan suggested, how about Keep Calm And Look To The Stars ... it's a little different order of the words. Under Starry Sky was the first thing I thought of. Whatever you call it, it's beautiful!


Snowcatcher said...

I like many of the above name suggestions, and I haven't thought of anything better (yet), but it sure is an attractive quilt! Congrats on another splendid finish!

Karen's Korner said...

Congratulations on designing a beautiful quilt.

Leanne Parsons said...

The quilt is beautiful! I'm terrible at naming quilts, though, so I'm no help there :)

Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous quilt, Alycia! I’m kind of brain dead this week too. No good quilt name suggestions.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Very pretty! Maybe 'Spinning Stars'???

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on A11's BIG finish reveal, Alycia!! Sorry, no ideas for a good name for your quilt.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

I am terrible at naming quilts; hence the reason my own quilts don't have names. LOL It's a great pattern. I planned to sew along, but I've been focusing on finishing up quilt tops.

Jenny K. Lyon said...

Love, love the quilting!

WeedyMama said...

Those stars look like they are in a bit of a whirl (with the quilting). How about Square Dancing Stars?

Linda said...

This was so fun and quick. Still have 1 more Half Sq to finish, then lay it out and put together. Not good at naming things but here goes "Spinning Star Path". Look forward to the next one. Of course not sure how you do it all. A BIG Thank you

Unknown said...

I looked at it and it reminded me of an English paper piecing quilt I did many years ago when I started to quilt.
How about English Star as the name of the quilt? I like the name and hope you do too, Alycia.

Bonnie said...

That is a great quilt. Any of the names suggested would work well for it.

Barbara Winkler said...

Chain of Friendship!!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

How about Field of Stars? Or Vicki in MN's idea of Stars Across America? Any way you name it, it's a great quilt.

San said...

Woo hooo, a finish. Hooray for you!

A name . . .. hmmm,


Yup, I like it.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

That's a stunning design, Alycia! I like banner for the mystery and since it says "God Bless America" - I think that's be a great name.

Susan said...

Beautiful! Your quilting is perfect. I think "When the Stars Align" would be fitting for this mystery quilt and our current affairs. Thank you for the great pattern.