Thursday, January 24, 2019

Serape Weave - IT is Finished!!

Welcome to TGFFriday!!!

This finish has been a long time in the making, but January 1st... I made the decision... I WILL FINISH this!! And then I ignored my family, and cooking and chores.... just kidding.... but Ta Da!

Here is my finish!!

We had a little bit of a snowy Sunny day - and so we decided to go for a hike on our place. I thought this would be a great spot for a quilt photo session!!

Here is a close up of the quilting

and because I like flannel
and I might be a little bit selfish
( as in If I put something girly on the back I might get the quilt!)

I put Flamingos with sunglasses in flannel as the back!!

The last couple of days we have had snow
Blizzard conditions ( but Not really - it was just windy)
and cold weather

and hopefully will get some real snow
so I am all ready to curl up on the couch and snuggle!

This is just a funny photo
I thought it was kind hilarious
We do a little small game hunting in the winter and the hike was a combo - Photo shoot, check fences, see if there was some small game, and then in turned into a foot race to see who could get to the fence the fastest

You can not say that we are bored around here
PS - if you are interested I have rejuvenated my photo blog of the things we see

This is my mare checking out our photo shoot... and following us
I am pretty sure she was laughing inside

now it is time to Link up your Friday Finishes ( or almost....)  Show them off - let us oogle!!



Sherrill said...

SO PRETTY!! Love it! Sounds like a fun day.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

What a fun quilting motif and congratulations on the finish! It seems like the perfect time of year to snuggle under a flannel backed quilt to me. :)

Ramona said...

Such a beautiful quilt! The colors, design and quilting are all so striking. I love your other photos, too. It's great to find fun in whatever you are doing.

Rose said...

Love this quilt! Enjoy the outdoors with family.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

You do have fun! That is a neat quilting pattern.

Snowcatcher said...

That is so colorful! Love that you've rekindled the photo blog!

Kat Scribner said...

Oh, I love that quilt! The quilting is pretty neat too.

Katy Sweigart said...

That quilt is amazing! I just love it. And the quilting is perfect.

Vasudha said...

Lovely quilt and quilting. Those colors are striking. Your photo shoot story is so cute and funny!

Ranch Wife said...

I love it! That gray really makes the colors pop. That's a good looking sentry team guarding it too!

Terri said...

You might be bored, but you are NOT boring. LOL

Linda Swanekamp said...

Such a bright and lovely quilt! The scenery is especially gorgeous!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love your bright Serape Weave quilt. Glad you can enjoy some time outside.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a GREAT quilt, Alycia!!! Congrats on the finish (and a fun photo shoot, too.)

Sylvia said...

Love your quilt! Fun design!

Quiltdivajulie said...

What a great photo shoot -- love that y'all have fun with the process. Flamingos with sunglasses on flannel - what a hoot. And I'm glad you have resurrected your photo blog!

Preeti said...

Of all the quilts that you have made, this one is my absolute BEST, most favorite, drool-worthy of them all. As they say in American, "You have knocked it out of the ballpark."

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Awesome! Is it a pattern, or your own design? Multi-tasking is shoot, check fences, catch supper. LOL

Sandra Walker said...

Love this quilt, and the way you quilted it too! And that back--LOLOL love it too! Thanks for hosting :-)

Pat said...

Love your quilt! The quilting is fabulous! As always, love to see your photos and share your hikes.

WeedyMama said...

Oooooooh, love that quilt. Maybe your horse would like a quilt, or that one, too???? Some of those flamingos look like they have bowler hats and cigars.

Michele said...

It really turned out fantastic. Congrats on the finish.