I might take my camera to my kids practices and games - there's always a chance to practice photography - and I am watching my kid and I am not really paying as much attention to him....
as I am the wall behind him
Wouldn't that be a cool quilt? Those muted colors? And the blocky chain? and Oh the quilting that would show..... Mmm Mmm - Yep - that there is a quilt on my bucket list!!
oh - and I sort of caught my kid - he is 44....
Too funny. That would make a great quilt though.
Love that wall! The adage of so many ideas, so little time is so true. How neat it is to combine your loves as you have with your sons, quilting and photography!
You're right! That would make a great quilt. It looks like a single Irish Chain, only with rectangles instead of squares.
Love those blue sneakers.
ROFL!!! Quilts are EVERYWHERE... if you look closely enough!!
Oh! Go, Number 44, go!!! LOL
that pattern is cool!
I so get what your saying though. I'm not at all gifted with multitasking. I really don't get much out of trying to pay attention to 2 different things. So if you honed into 1 thing enough to get something out of it, it is a win for me.
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