My oldest son was on the Pheasant Run Cowboys football team. Saturday ( in the cold drizzle and blowing wind) was there last game and afterwards we had a potluck. You know the team usually always gets something for the coaches and this year I wanted to be different and get them something they could use and rememeber there team - so I made Pillowcases! And I took Gelly Pens for the kids to sign the bodies of the pillowcases. They were a hit! The coaches loved them and every player wanted one too.... ha only my son and his best buddy J got one - theres are the navy with white. The other white on white is what I made for the coaches.
After the pot luck we were such football Die Hards we drove to Fort Collins to watch CSU lose to Air Force - there was a half hour rain delay and it was sooooo windy my umbrella turned inside out. We found seats blocked by the announcers stand that protected us from the cold, but only managed to stay thru half time. We were frozen. So I guess this means that winter is on its way. I had hopes that maybe it would wait a few years LOL.
I took in Sues String Quilt to the 5th Grade class to hang up, to inspire them, and they just LOVED it. It really brightened up the room! A picture of her quilt is in another post and I have no Clue how to link to it - so Its called Sues Heartsting quilt.....
Have a great day!!