Friday, July 23, 2021

Plaid Churn Dash and.... Finished (or not) Friday!!

 Happy Friday!!!

Here's to hoping your week was wonderful! Mine seemed to go way to fast! you ever have weeks like that - the just zoom.... go by?

I did get a finish!! 

I think the heat is getting to me because...... Hold on to your hats...... I bound again!!

If you follow my blog you have probably seen it before - but!! you have not seen in bound. And!! I will admit to using it unbound... I mean!! it has all my favorites in it!! Plaid... Blue Plaid... and Churn Dashes! 

Last week we had 34 linkups!! 

That's a lot of finished projects!! 

And you know it is getting closer to the One Monthly Goal link up... so I am expecting to see more Finished Projects this week ( that's pressure for you haha!!)

Please remember to link up your direct post 

Please link up a finished ( or not) project - something we can ohh and awww at!! 

Please provide a link back to this post 

Inspire us!!



Also linking to:

Find me at all these places:

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Jenny K. Lyon said...

Oh my gosh I love this! Traditional but with a sense of one huge one overlapping. You are so prolific too!

Dorothy said...

So was I asleep while you were posting this quilt and it's beginning? I absolutely love it (but then it is a churn dash-what's not to love?) Is a pattern coming?

Donna said...

Great guy quilt! I am sure one of your men will snag this one!

Kate said...

That's such a fun finish. Congrats on getting another off your to do list.

julieQ said...

OH, It is wonderful! Lovely! Congratulations on your binding, done, done, done!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love the churn dashes and the huge part. Fabulous finish!

Linda said...

Alycia it's so pretty! I love churn dashes too, and the pattern you used is brilliant. Yes the week zoomed by for me too, but we had a quick trip to Oklahoma so that is why.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Girl, you are starting to be a really binding gal. Congrats. Yes, I've seen it in the header for ages now. I've always liked that one.

Anne-Marie said...

I LOVE this quilt! I didn't realize it wasn't bound based on the photo in your header.

chrisknits said...

There's no link? Love your churn Dash!!!

Delighted Hands said...

This is a spectacular quilt-nice job on all of the finishes lately!

Sandra Walker said...

Well I didn't see this before (that or I forgot, which is entirely possible with my brain) so I love seeing it, and chuckled that you've been using it unbound!

Nann said...

Oh, that jumbo scale is terrific!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Hooray for another finish. I do love this churn dash quilt!

Angie said...

I would LOVE to have this churn dash pattern! It is a gorgeous quilt!

Bonnie said...

What a cool churn dash quilt. I really like that block but I haven't done anything that creative with one!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I really love your Churn Dash quilt - I've been known to use my quilt unbound for a while too :-) Enjoy your weekend! Take care.

grammajudyb said...

Fingers crossed for a pattern! I absolutely love this one!

Vicki W said...

I'm happy to see this quilt again because it's one of my favorites!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congratulations on a fabulous finish, Alycia!! As you know, I absolutely LOVE this quilt!!!