Friday, July 02, 2021

A Sweet Little Baby Quilt.... and Finished ( or Not) Finished Friday

Happy July and! Happy Friday!!

I did get a little Quilt Quilted this week .. I was digging in my stash - looking for something, don't ask me now what it was... but it was probably very important - and I came across these 20 squares all cut out and thought - well heck fire! Let's make them into a little quilt... and so I did!

And then I quilted little Dragonflies on it - and in 3006 when it gets bound - it will make some little one warm right?

We had my Mom's memorial and I think we all survived ;-) My family all came in and it was great to be with my kids, niece and nephew. We all had a lot of time together - and I think we made my Dad happy ;-)

How did your week go? Did you get some good stitching time in?

* Link up your Finished Friday posts and let us all drool!
* Last week I tried a button on the link up - and it jumbled the order of the posts each time you looked at the page... sorry - I did not like that!

**************Link UP ******************************

*******************The End*********************************


Preeti said...

Oh you know 3006 will be here before you know it. Some baby will be very happy and warm on it :-) Enjoy the long weekend!

Cathy said...

And now you have something almost ready for when a sweet little baby comes along. Love that dragonfly quilting.

Linda said...

I either missed (or forgot - ugh!) what was happening with your Mom. So sorry!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Sweet almost finish!

Delighted Hands said...

Sweet little quilt-those are the kinds of happy surprises when we go searching in the stash! Glad the memorial service went well-hard gatherings...

Melva said...

So sorry about your Mom. Families really should have reunions other than funerals or memorials... which reminds me that I need to organize something for my family to get together. Hugs. The dragonflies are perfect for that little quilt.

Sara said...

A lovely soft baby quilt, and I'll bet you get it bound before 3006. LOL Hugs on that lose of your mother. The family time together was hopefully healing.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm so sorry for the circumstance that brought your family together, but glad you were all able to make your dad happy. <3

Snowcatcher said...

Love the color scheme and the quilting on that precious little quilt. Hope your family is taking time to relax and heal, now that the memorial is over. Hugs...

Sandra Walker said...

3006... I may have snort-lol. :-) It really is cute! I like the spiral effect.

Ivani said...

Sweet baby quilt. ♥

Bonnie said...

Sweet baby quilt and almost done. You don't "really" need to do the binding until right before you want to give it away. It's nice you had family time although I'm sorry for the reason.

Donna said...

Cute baby quilt. Hope your family is doing well. Funerals and memorials are always difficult.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sweet quilt. Alycia! I'm glad to hear that the memorial service for your Mom went well. Sending more quilty hugs (in case you need them.)

Quilter Kathy said...

So glad your family could be together!
Congrats on the finish... the dragonfly quilting is very fun!

Allison said...

So sorry your family gathering was brought about by such sadness. There is great comfort in being together at such times and I hope there were plenty of good memories and lots of love shared between you all.

Kate said...

A very sweet little finish. Good to hear that your mom's memorial went well. Hope your Dad is doing OK.

Judy Hansen said...

Glad you were able to gather as a family to honor your Mom. Families are a great comfort in time of loss. Your dragonfly quilting pattern is so nice. I have some projects too that I run across when I’m looking for something else, so I can relate very well to what happened to you. It’s part of the fun of quilting. Hugss, Judy

Michele said...

I love the dragonfly stitching on that sweet little quilt.