Thursday, May 20, 2021

Log Cabin Loonies .... and Finished ( or Not ) Friday AND!!!! TGIF Friday!!!

 You all!!! I get to be the DOUBLE HOST This weekend!!! And you know what... DOUBLE FINISHES right???  

So lets just get to my First Finish!!!  A while back ( Ahem, don't even think it!!) Julie K started a little Log Cabin Loonies sew along. And I kept looking at these fabrics - and decided to jump in. Well this week! I decided that that top needed some quilting and!!! sit down for this... Binding.... oh ya!!

What is this world coming too... Binding more than one quilt this year... crazy!!

And look at how pretty that looks on my refinished wood floor!!! I haven't moved furniture back in, because - well - I am painting now... and may have a few other things I want to do first.... Who ever let me start the refinish project.... your in trouble!! haha!

This is the back. It's kinda  a crazy paisley and I wasn't sure I was going to like it for anything, until I finished this top! I think it goes with it just perfect!!

And Finish ( sort of) Number 2: Along the way of my redecorating, I had some crazy ideas. And when you have a crazy idea - you have to see it to the end. I LOVE photography, and I LOVE using my photos as decorations - and now!!

I have NEW KITCHEN mats!!! I am so excited!!!And Guess what!! If you want to bring home a little bit of my country to your house - you can have one too! We have CATTLE DRIVE ( Or Spring Spa Day)   or The Three Amigos  available right now.   I just love these - and again.... check out that wood floor!!! NICE right?

There is actually one more Finish to share. And I will be honest, this one doesn't quite excite me as much as my quilts. But A lot of you have been praying for and thinking of my Mom... and now you know .

Alright so NOW!!! Let's get to those Finishes!!

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* go visit a lot of other pages!!

* this week you should visit DOUBLE the pages - since its a DOUBLE link up!!


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The Joyful Quilter said...

Congratulations on your quilt finishes, Alycia! Sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Zenia Rene said...

Alycia, you couldn't have picked a better backing for that quilt. It's perfection. Bravo! Your floors are definitely gorgeous and those mats are awesome! I'm praying peace & comfort for you and yours. oxoxo

Delighted Hands said...

The log cabin quilt is amazing-very vintage looking already!
The new flooring is beautiful--the mats are incredible but it would take me a long time to actually WALK on them! lol

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your mom, Alycia. Hugs.


Linda said...

What a gorgeous log cabin quilt, and the backing IS perfect for it!
Love those mats! Your floor is beautiful.

Donna said...

Your backing is perfect for that quilt! Looks great! Glad you have another finish! Your mats are so cute!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Photos on your new floor mats - fantastic. And MANY hugs for your family now that your mom has completed her race.

maggie fellow said...

great quilt and the mats are nice - I am sorry for your loss

grammajudyb said...

I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s hard! Your quilting project have maybe helped you through this tough time! The Log Cabin Loonies quilt is quite wonderful! I am waiting to see the transformation in your space!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

So sorry to hear about your mom--hugs. I'm glad to hear that Heaven is rejoicing.

Snowcatcher said...

What an incredible attitude for your mom. Thank you. We had a death in the family this week, too, and yours is such a lovely way of dealing with the loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love the quilt, but man, those kitchen mats are sensational!!!

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

So sorry for the loss of your mom. Hugs to you and your family.
Your quilt looks great and that backing is perfect for it. Congrats on the finish binding and all! Cool photo mats, too. What size are they - for the floor or placemats for the table?

Linda Swanekamp said...

Pleae accept my sympathy on losing your mom. It has to be so hard and disorienting. Maybe you could come up with a quilt design that we could all make and donate in honor of your mom. Something she would love to see. I love your horse fabric. Would love to see some of your mountain/landscape designs on fabric.

chrisknits said...

So sorry to hear of your Mom's passing, but heaven has surely gained a new angel. Wonderful finish and I do adore your mats, just wish they went with my decor!

Rebecca Smith said...

Love the floors and log cabin loonies finish. Sorry to hear about your mom’s finish. said...

there are no instruction manual for how to be the daughter of a mom who is now gone. Lots of people have suggestions but they are just that and each of us has to find our own way--losig your mom is still losing your mom no matter how old you are and how prepared you are and how much you may comfort yourself with the idea she is in a better is still your mom.

it leaves a whole in your heart---

if I were your neighbor I'd bring over the requisite casserole and ask you to tell me funny stories about your mom---

Sending you a big hug through the wires here---

WeedyMama said...

My condolences. I think Sylvia Weir said 'it' very well. And I'm glad you finished the puppy quilt in time.

Big Hugs.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Look at you binding up a storm. ☺ Good luck with the refinishing work.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

So very sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. Sending hugs!

scraphappy said...

I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. The floors look great. Hope that keeping busy helps.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sorry about your mother. Hooray for binding and finishes. Cute mats.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Your projects are lovely, especially the kitchen mats. I am so sorry about your mother's passing. You do so much for others, please remember to take care of yourself too.

Anne-Marie said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.