Friday, November 13, 2020

Disappearing Shoo Fly.... and FINISHED( or not) Friday!!!

 Happy Friday!!

This week went screaming for me!! I started a Gratitude Photo Project on the First of November - and it has just kept me hopping and on the lookout for all the good things in the world - and! I love it!

And!! I got in a LOT of quilting time!! it is that time of year where everyone is scrambling to finish their Christmas gifts - and I love Being a part of it....

So... I snuck this one in on my list this week... just because - sometimes you need a little play time!

Its the Disappearing Shoo fly!!! I have also received enough blocks to make a few more - so you will probably see another one or two in the coming year!  I think  a Veteran will love this one!!!

And now it is your turn!!

Show us what you have Finished ( or Not)

  • * Link a direct link to the Quilty Post you want to share
  • * Visit at least three others - leave a comment - you may make a new friend
  • *Add a link back in your post - let others see all the Quilty goodness!

***************************************************************** **

Linking to:
Can I get a whoop Whoop at confessions of a Fabric Addict

TGIF Friday at Every QUilt tells a Story

Find me at all these places:

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Cathy said...

Oh, yes...a veteran can't help but love that Shoo Fly.

And a gratitude project sounds like an excellent idea.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

I love the look of the3 Disappearing Shoo Fly blocks. Great job! I don't normally like making the disappearing blocks but may have to try this one.

grammajudyb said...

I like the disappearing shoo sly. It’s a very happy quilt!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Where did you find the prompts for your gratitude photo project?

Delighted Hands said...

Great finish and nice you can make it again....and again!

Susan said...

That's a pretty quilt - all the pieces make it sparkle.

The Joyful Quilter said...

I'm all for sneaking in a bit of "me time" between client quilts, Alycia. Congrats on your fantastic finish!!

Karen's Korner said...

Someone will feel very special when wrapped in that lovely quilt.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

That's a great quilt. I need to remember to check out the pattern. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

The Disappearing Shoo Fly quilt is fabulous!


Kate said...

Love that Disappearing Shoe Fly quilt! Congrats on the finish.

Bonnie said...

I really like your disappearing Shoo Fly. Someday, I'll make one too. (On the other hand I have fabric pulled for 3 different quilts plus innumerable UFOs. But, I'm sure one day.... glad to hear you had a great week.

dq said...

I briefly scanned through your thankful photos. I favored the WWII vet with his quilt. My grandpa was one of them, and there are few left. The quilt and his smile are the best!

I also loved the dog looking out the window photo.

Congratulations on the lovely finish!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I really love the pattern of your disappearing Shoo Fly. Your choice of fabric really makes it dance! Congrats and have a great week.

Preeti said...

Beautiful finish, Alycia. Actually more handsome than beautiful. It does look very playful with he dancing triangles. Hurray for a productive week.