Friday, May 01, 2020

Half Square Logs and..... Finished (or not) Friday!!

Happy Friday you all!!!
What a week it has been!

So!! I posted a rememberery photo of the Half Square Log Cabins quilts on Tuesday and I was inspired.... LOOK!! What my Finished Friday is.... Ha ha!!! I wanted to make another - so why not???

And then... I fizzled... Haha! I think this weekend I will need to sit down and make a to do list and get focused - That ever happen to you?  How do you get back on track?

PS - this is a free pattern under my Free Pattern Tabs

alright - lets see how your week went?

Please link the direct link - and go visit all the awesome quilts!!
PS - we had 39 linkups last week  - holee cow - that is a lot of happy fabrics!!



Linking to
Oh Scrap!  at Quilting is more fun than Housework


Karen's Korner said...

Sometimes it is nice to do the "unexpected" just because!!!!!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! Wow, 39 linkups last week is a LOT. I often wonder about the old Crazy Mom Quilts linkup which was easily in the 100s. I wonder how she had time to visit all those blogs and comment! Your finish for today is definitely a squirrel project. But as you said, why not?!! And to have it all quilted in a pretty swirly pattern as well. You rocked it! Thanks for the linky party and Happy Friday. Take care. ~smile~ Roseanne

Kat Scribner said...

Your Half Square Log Cabins quilt is a great finish! I might delight in making this pattern some day, put it on my list.

Cathy said...

I remember that block drive! It sure made for some wonderful quilts.

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

I think I need to make another Log Cabin Triangles quilt! I love how yours turned out, the quilting adds so much wonderful texture.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Wow - that's a great finish! You're not fizzling - just think of it as a time for refueling!

Delighted Hands said...

Yup, you've done this pattern proud! Patriot perfect!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

To do lists always help me get back on track. I am super motivated to cross things off! :)

loulee said...

Your finished quilt looks great. And lots of other lovely eye candy has been shared too.
I've given up on to do lists, they just keep on growing and I change my mind. Now I make a 'one day' list. LOL

Susan said...

Ya, that happens to me. I get all excited and work away on something, then crash. I think I just do too much at once, so now I try to pace myself. So don't worry, you'll get back on track!

The Joyful Quilter said...

I still SEW want to make one of those quilts. Yours turned out AWESOME!!

Kate said...

You got almost to the end. That's really good for just a few days worth of effort!

Rebecca Grace said...

Glad I'm not the only one who hits these roadblocks from time to time! Best advice I can give is to set a small time goal for each day -- just 15 minutes or 20 minutes, whatever seems a ridiculously small amount of time to you that you won't blow it off -- and EVERYTHING counts towards that time, even if all you do is pull out fabric to audition and make a big mess with it for 15 minutes. If it's part of your process, then it's part of your progress. Looking through your Pinterest boards or old magazines for project inspiration counts, too. If you get into what you're doing and spend more than 15 minutes, all the better -- but just forcing yourself to do that little bit each day will get you through the part that has you stalled out and eventually you'll get to where you're having fun again and your family has to drag you AWAY from your sewing machine. You know, "We're hungry and there's no food in the pantry, just ingredients!" and "We're naked because all of the laundry is dirty and only Mom knows how to put it in the washing machine"

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

If you figure out how to get back on track, please tell us. I've been struggling due to the pandemic. I'm so tired from working that I don't accomplish much. Grocery stores close at 8:00 p.m. that I do that on the weekends. And then's Monday again.

Michele said...

I really like this one. Nicely done.