Friday, June 18, 2021

Blue Placemats ..FINISHED!!! and..... Finished ( or not) Friday

 This week I am celebrating a small finish... but a finish just the same!!

For the Rainbow Scrap Challenge ( hosted at So Scrappy)  I have been making placemats out of my Block Box. I have been having a blast Quilting them and trying new patterns and new ideas, without the commitment of a king size quilt!! but!!

Did you know... that if you quilt them - you must bind them? ( oh ya!) and so now!!! my FInish for this week is all of the BLUE ones are Now bound!!

Blue is the Color for April - so according to my trusty pile - I now have Pink ( January), Yellow ( February) and Blue ( April) all bound.... I must not like Green ( March) much - cuz I just passed those on by.... which means - I had better get to binding in green!!

And because I love you all SO much I trekked out in the 100 degree heat and snapped a photo - so that maybe you could see the quilting.... I made it fast tho! 
Then look ...upside down - hahaha!!

I am pretty happy with myself for binding all of these ( and the other colors) and not going into anaphylactic shock! and I didn't even have to use the whole bag of chocolate to get it done!

Now it is your turn - Link up your Finishes!!!  
* PLEASE use a direct Link to the blog post
* Please provide a link back to this post in yours 
* Please visit at least 3 if not more links and comment - spread the love

**********************************LINK UP*******************************



Gretchen Weaver said...

The placemats will be a lovely treat for the meals on wheels you donate them to. Happy stitching!

Linda said...

Those blue mats are so pretty! I had hoped to link up a finish with you, but I had SO many interruptions yesterday that I didn't get my quilt bound. But I might be able to get it done before the linky ends. :)

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Oh yes, I often times wish they were finished after the quilting stage!?! Your 10 placemats look so cute grouped together--impact!!!

Cathy said...

Congrats for turning those blocks into some yummy placemats! I know how much you love binding so I'll probably see some green ones finished next week????

Kat Scribner said...

Lots of cool blue placemats! Have a great week !

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Lovely blue placemats. They are perfect to try out new quilting designs. Great job!

Susan said...

Love those blues!

chrisknits said...

I made 1 placemat this month so far, it might be the only one!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Well done on the binding and finish. They look great, including upside down. LOL

The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice work on getting those blue placemats bound, Alycia!

Delighted Hands said...

Fantastic work! I love the blues like this!

Sandra Walker said...

Those are wonderful Alycia! I love making placemats, but ya, I hear you on binding them. I often make the backs a little bigger all the way around and then turn the back over twice onto the front and topstitch it down. ;-)

Astrid said...

Love your pretty blues placemats! So, binding is not your favorite part of the process? Not mine either, especially not hand stitching the binding!

cityquilter grace said...

so darn pretty alycia....

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Too bad we don't live closer or I'd bind and let you quilt. See, binding hasn't killed you yet!

Michele said...

Good for you. I've been working on making more placemats too.