Friday, May 07, 2021

Tri your Luck - the Finish!! and Finished.... (or not) Friday!!!

 Happy Friday!!

Be honest - how many of you made Tacos for Cinco de Mayo?  It was totally called for right?

And... did you set a Goal - for your One Monthly Goal ( at Elm Street Quilts) ? I was going to, but the week got away from me. So! I am just setting it for myself. My goal, this month, is to Bind things.... lots of things... and get that pile down.....

But first! I needed to Quilt a little something. Maybe you remember my Tri your Luck quilt top from (ugh) February? I decided it was time to move it to the quilting front.... and I even loaded a movie to get me thru.... The Binding..... Oh YES I did!!  

I bound!!!  haha!! I can see your faces now - wait she bound like two things this year! is it a new epidemic, was there an earthquake?  Did the world stop turning??? 

So here it is!  This is the Tri Your Luck pattern by Debbie Brown quilts - and I did it in Patriotics and ... quilted it - and BOUND it.  I think I might be in Love with striped Bindings now... The more I use them, the more I want to make them!

Alright - Now it is your turn to link up your Finishes. 

*Please provide the direct link - a few didn't work last week and I can't tell why.... 

* go visit other links - be inspired and inspire them to keep quilting.

* start something new 

*************************LINK UP **********************************

****************************************the End************************************ *
Linking to:

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Faceboo


Michele said...

I really like the way that one turned out. Nicely done!

Jenny K. Lyon said...

Oh I love me a stripped binding too! Fun panto too - adds a lot of energy. This is such a fun quilt!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Great finish- full of energy.

Linda said...

Beautiful quilt! I love the striped binding too, and everything is so nicely set off by that white border.

Jayne said...

What a fun design! You nailed it!

grammajudyb said...

Did you know, you can link a goal setting post to Patty at Elm Street quilts and she will add to the link up. I learned that recently!
I really like this quilt!

Susan said...

Congrats! I think you need more than a pat on the back - you need a to reward yourself with more fabric!

Sandra Walker said...

Oh I've loved striped bindings FOREVER. They just add a punch don't they? This turned out awesome, love the quilting you did too! And uh, February isn't that long ago for a UFO, just sayin' ;-)

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

Woo-hoo! Congrats on your binding finish! The striped binding looks terrific. I love striped bindings, and yours looks great.

Bonnie said...

Does Taco Salad count made on Tuesday? No monthly goal per se...but I keep working on existing projects. But I can't lie -- I really want to start something new!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Tri your Luck looks awesome, Alycia. Hope you get a lot of quilts bound this month. Have a great weekend and thank you for hosting the link party. Happy quilting.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Haha, we did have tacos on Tuesday, but it was planned in advance without knowing the date! The striped binding looks great with Tri Your Luck. And good luck with your goal to bind lots more things this month. :)

Delighted Hands said...

This is a very beautiful quilt and you not only finished it--it is an old one finished! Yippee!

Snowcatcher said...

Congratulations on a beautiful finish! The quilting really is spectacular.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on finishing up your Tri Your Luck scrap quilt, Alycia!!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous finish, Alycia! I love that striped binding too.

scraphappy said...

Love the striped binding!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The world is still spinning, you didn't break it by binding ;) We had fajita's, but we waited till Thursday, since hubby had a meeting Wednesday. He didn't want to miss the fajita's.