Friday, May 14, 2021

A 30's finish, Binding... and Finished ( or Not) Friday!!

 Happy Friday!! you have made it through another week - I am sure you were wondering what day it was right?

My goal for my Finished Friday was to Bind stuff!! ( as in THE WHOLE FINISH - ugh) and look! 

I did it!!

I bound this little beauty - is was one of my RSC projects a little while ago - so now it is Quilted - and Bound!!

And here is the back

And then - I really got inspired to bind more.... I got all of my Blue RSC Placemats Bound!

I still have one more Blue Placemat to quilt - but these NINE are now all quilted and bound!! Yay Me!!

I am feeling a little accomplished.... and all the floors are now redone, It is cleanup time - my least favorite part of living in the country... I just think there should be a magic button and Poof - everything is clean!

Anyways - now it is your turn to link up your projects. I am going to set rules though - I am not a meanie, but here it is.

*Link your DIRECT blog post to this link up. If it is just the link to your generic blog - please be forewarned.. I will delete the link.  Its too hard to find your post, as the week goes on... and I want to get to your specific post. 

*Also - you all - It is Finished ( or not) Friday - please do make sure your post has a Quilt project in process or a Finish... not just a generic post ( Please - it is a specific link up)

* Have a lot of fun visiting !! 

*******************Link Up Here**********************

** ************************************The End**************************************


Allison said...

Yeah! For finishes! It's great the way one finish can give us the momentum we need to push other projects over the finishing line. Your table mats look lovely and bright.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I agree, I wish there was a magic button for dusting! Congrats on getting the binding finished on your quilt, happy stitching!

Cathy said...

I remember when you were busting through 30s fabrics! I was trying to do the same but failed. Your quilt is a winner!

Congrats on all that binding. I force myself to finish binding right after I finish quilting. My sewing room is small and I don't have room for another pile of procrastination!

Donna said...

Wow!!! You’ve been a busy girl! Love the quilting design; swirls are the best too! How many placemats have you made this year? Seems like you’ve made a lot! They will be so appreciated!

Kat Scribner said...

Wow and Wow. I LOVE the quilting on the first one !!!

Snowcatcher said...

What a terrific collection of finishes! I love the binding because it means I'm almost finished. But I don't think I've ever finished that much in a week!!! The quilting on your RSC is phenomenal, so 3D. Exactly what I am hoping to achieve on my Lizard Toes.

Delighted Hands said...

What a beautiful finish--doesn't it feel good to get to this stage of the process?!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Fabulous quilting on the quilt! Great job with all those bindings.

Susan said...

The feathers and swirls quilting is gorgeous on that quilt!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Hurray for finishes!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Great job getting everything bound. I'll tell you a secret... binding (by hand) is one of my favourite parts of the process.

Leanne Parsons said...

Congratulations on getting so many things completely finished! Whoo hoo!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Barely made it through the week and never know what day it is....sigh....But we made it!!!

Linda said...

Nice finishes! Love that backing on your quilt.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

What pretty quilting and also pretty blues, Alycia! Great finishes!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So many fabulous finishes! I love the quilting on the green quilt.


The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice work this week, Alycia! Looking forward to seeing what you will make with RED for this month's RSC.