Friday, May 22, 2020

Mystery Quilt Finish .... and! Finished(or not) Friday

Happy Friday!!!

Let's hope you all had a very quilty week!! 
Mine was hit and miss!! It never fails that when I have plans - the oil people, or the cattle have different plans. We have a pipeline that runs on the South end of our property - and they were out there working on it. These people are the nicest oil/natural gas people I have worked with over the years - but they needed to move out some of our fences - which requires conversation and planning and moving of animals ... I don't like when the animals go visiting the other peoples property.... ha ha!

Back before Stay at Home - my QOV group did a one day Mystery - and this was the quilt. I think this one was made by Cindy and Bernie - and my part... I Quilted it ( oh and I also designed the mystery and hosted it) 

A close up of the fabrics - and the fun quilting!

Lets see what you did this week... Share away... Visit all the cool kids and be inspired!!



Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty quilting design, congratulations on hosting and designing a mystery quilt!

Cathy said...

I don't like it when animals come visiting my property either ;-)
A few years ago I got up from weeding my flower garden and found the neighbor's bull behind me. Yikes!!!

Lovely Hourglass quilt. That would be welcome on my property ;-)

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Ooooh that's really fun quilting. Kinda reminds me of monstera leaves.
I didn't manage any sewing or quilting this week with the kids still home, needing schooling and feeding. They go back to school full time next week, so you know what I'm gonna be doing. Yep, sewing!!!
Enjoy your weekend :)

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! What a great quilty finish you're sharing today. I can imagine that moving all the animals isn't an easy task. Plus, my experience with animals like cows and horses is that they are curious. They'd want to be right there watching the goings-on. Thanks for the linky party! ~smile~ Roseanne

Snowcatcher said...

That did turn out nice, and the quilting, as always, is awesome! Hope your animals didn't wander too far... That was a good smile for today!

chrisknits said...

And I sit here barely interrupted by outside forces and wonder at your productivity! But please don't tempt me into Hourglass blocks, I just finished a mini using them and I don't need another project!

Lady Fi said...

That is fabulous!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Team finish for the WIN, Alycia!!!

Karen's Korner said...

Congratulations on such a pretty quilt. Did you use rulers for the quilting?

Kate said...

Congrats on a great finish! My stitching week has been kinda hit or miss. Hope you get in lots of stitching time this weekend.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I love it; someone will be abundantly blessed by this beauty, well done!

Preeti said...

Congratulations on a fabulous finish. I am sure it will bring joy and comfort, wherever it goes. Stay safe.

Stevenson Q said...

Alycia I love the colors and the patterns on this one! I haven't been blessed to have a quilt but I once had a comforter with almost the same boxed triangles design and this reminds me so much of it :) I haven't used it in years now but now I wanna find it for the rainy season :)