Friday, May 15, 2020

LAW School Finish.... and Finished ( or Not) Friday

Today is the Day!!!

We were supposed to be up bright and Early and on our way to our Oldest Sons Law School Graduation Celebration!!!

We had it all figured out how to get the other two kids, Both sets of our Parents and our Luggage out the door and all landing at the Same Airport within 40 minutes of each other.... a Planning feat that may NEVER ever be accomplished again!!

And then some Bird or Bat or Meanie decided to give the world a pause...

Needless to say I am STILL so super proud of my kid and will just brag a little on him.... and when we can all be together again - I will probably brag again ( just a little warning!! ha ha !)

Don't you just love seeing kids celebrate! 

This is in front of the Supreme Court!!

I love it!!
He said there were hardly any people about  - so taking photos was easy!

Even though I didn't personally Accomplish this feat - I am counting it as my Finished Friday for this week - since I gave birth to the kid who did finish this feat.... It counts right??

Alright - Now it is time for your finishes!
Provide a direct link
and have fun looking at all the eye candy!!




Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Yay! This is wonderful to see. Congratulations to your son and to you and your family. A wonderful finish indeed.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Heck yeh, it counts!! What a great accomplishment! Whooping it up with you! Congratulations!!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Awesome job, Mom!!! 💕

Linda Swanekamp said...

Congratulations to your son! He certainly worked hard. Hope he will use his knowledge to bring some sanity to laws.

grammajudyb said...

I agree, you can definitely call him a finish! Or maybe not, in a good way. I'll bet he has a great future so maybe he's not finished yet! Congrats, parents. Always good to see your kids succeed on their chosen path.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Congratulations to your son and to you, Proud mom. It is a little sad that your family did not get to make the trip and have the memories of that celebration. Hopefully there will be others.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Congratulations to Jake AND to his family -- it takes a village. Wishing him all the best as he prepares to pass the Bar Exam in whichever state he decides upon. Go Jake GO!!

Judy V in Greeley CO said...

Congratulations! This is an awesome accomplishment for your son!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Good morning, Alycia! Big HUGE congrats to Jake!! You'd better mention it again when you get to celebrate together, and you absolutely count this as a fabulous finish for the year. Good job. I wonder what his specialty is? How cool that he could have his picture taken in front of the steps of the Supreme Court!! Cool. ~smile~ Roseanne

Cathy said...

Oh, I can see why you are such a proud mama...he's handsome and well educated! Congrats to mom and son!

Sherrill said...

Oh my gosh, that is SO COOL!! Congratulations to all of you but so sorry it had to happen this freakin' year!! So many graduates are losing out on the fun and happenings that typically go along with graduating and it makes me so sad for them. Hopefully they'll get to do their celebrating in grand style soon. Good job, mom and dad!

Snowcatcher said...

I'm so sorry you and all the families of grads got left out in the cold this year. So unfair. But so glad you are still able to celebrate his magnificent accomplishment! Congratulations, Jake!!! I know a law firm in Denver that's hiring... ;)

Delighted Hands said...

It sure does count! Congratulations to all of you!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Congratulations to your family and especially Jake. Yes, I do believe it counts, but are you really finished with him yet!?!!!! It is so sad that so many are missing out on celebrating these great achievements with family and loved ones. Although I have never met you or your family in person, I feel like I know you because haven't we all grown up together over these years.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congratulations, Alycia. And... Congrats, Jake!!!

Debbie B said...

Congratulations to your graduate son and the whole family. That's quite an accomplishment. Celebrate any way you can!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, congrats! of course it counts as a finish :-)
Take care.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Congrats to Jake & the rest of the family too!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said... both of you. LOL

WeedyMama said...

Congratulations Jake, and to your family as well. Time for a new door to open. Good job, mom and dad.

Zenia Rene said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm happy for you proud mama!

Katy Sweigart said...

That’s wonderful! Congrats to your don and to the proud parents!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Congrats proud mama! My niece is graduating today. She was supposed to be married next Saturday, but because of Covid, they moved the wedding up and were married in April. That's 2 virtual weddings, and soon to be 2 virtual graduations (one more next week). Something that they will all remember for the rest of their lives.

Carlie Nichols said...

That is an absolutely awesome finish for Friday!!! Yes, definitely count it. Congratulations to him and your whole family.

Preeti said...

Congratulations to the proud mom and the handsome young man. Should've told me sooner. I would've driven by and honked at him to celebrate :-D

Kate said...

Congratulations to oldest son and to both Mom and Dad!