Sunday, November 30, 2008
Pillowcase Progress
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A Soldier recieves his quilt

As the Major and a friend of mine were working on the house they discovered that he had not recieved a Quilt of Valor and asked if I could help remedy that. Defineatly. Absolutely. Not a Problem.
This is the quilt that went to the soldier.
Judys Carolina Crossroads I took the quilt to school. The 5th graders wrote a lot of get well, and encouragement letters. They also included a book, of course, I can NOT remember the title at the moment. It was about a boy who faced challenges and found bravery. A very nice book, and it was signed by all the children, and then the quilt headed out to the soldier.
I wanted to post this today - although it happened a few days ago. I wanted you all to know how Thankful I am to know all you wonderful people. All of you who offer encouragement on this project, all of you who make quilts, both finished and ready to be quilted for these soldiers, all of you who offer up an email - I TRULY appreciate it. It keeps me moving on.
But most importantly - I think - No, I KNOW - the soldiers are so very touched by the caring and compassion that is recieved by a home made quilt. I KNOW they can feel the love and encouragement that is sewn into each one, and I know they can see the love in the beautiful designs.
So before I get too sappy - THANK you on this Thanksgiving day for being who you are! And for reading this far... I know there is Turkey awaiting you.... so get to it ;-)
Have a great one!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Its a Pillowcase party
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Quilts from Kathy M
Kathy - these are wonderful quilts! Thank you so much. I really like the border blocks on the Red White and Blue one. Very good idea. And the string quilt is great!!
You can read more about Kathy at her blog
Today I had big plans! and this morning they all got changed. My poor middle son woke up not feeling well at all. And he doesn't look so good either. So we changed our plans, and I have made him tea and have him all tucked into blankets.
I told him that he really needs to work on his timing. Tomorrow is no school. So he really should have waited until Sunday night to not feel good ... hopefully he is up and running soon.
Hope you all have a good one. And are getting ready for Thanksgiving. I made cinnamon rolls yesterday... and yes Dad I even saved a pan for you. I had to hide it - but I did it!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
From Cathy
See them here
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Stars and Bars
This is the link to the pattern - just in case you missed it.... way back in August.
Saturday is here!

Friday, November 21, 2008
Finished QOV's
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A binding/quilting party
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sizes for Quilts of Valor
I hope you all don't think I am overdoing it. Recently I have had a lot of questions about Quilts of Valor. So I hoped this would give you up to the minute info!
Mainly being what size do they need to be?
Absolute Minimum 50 x 60 inches. Maximum 72 x 90
The main reason for this is that we want them to be cuddly and useful. If a soldier is in a wheelchair, they will not be in the chair 100% of the time. We are really aiming towards a lap sized or larger quilt. The ones the 5th grade kids work on are approximatly 54 x 64 . They don't take 14,000 years to make, yet they are large enough to keep a person snuggled up and warm.
What Colors should we use?
I know - I sound like a broken record - but Patriotic is awesome! Now please know that I always like to use patriotic, and here is the main reason. I work with between 48 and 100 kids at a time - at various venues. Each child wants to pick his/her own fabric. I am all for this.... except when 6 children want to use florescent hues, and the other 6 want warm earthy plaids - not a pretty combination. Well, maybe to some it is - but I won't name names!! So if I use 100 Red White Cream and Blue Fat Quarters - I do not have to organize children based on colors - they all blend no matter what kid works next to who.
Should we put a label on our quilts?
Abso - Positituvely!!! The more labels the better! Do you want to add a card, or a letter to the quilt - then GO ahead and do so. I do ask that you leave them unsealed. Not becuase I am nosy. Okay, I really am... but thats not the reason. The chaplain approves communications - and if they want to read the cards, I would like them to not have ripped envelopes by the time it gets to the soldier.
Here is a link to another post - as to how this got started and what our goal is.
Also if you want 2 relatively easy patterns to make as a quilt of valor. Look to the right side of my blog - under Links - there is the Not So Top Secret Project and the Stars and Bars. Both in .pdf forms and easy to print out. You can also find them at http://www.quiltygirl.com
Monday, November 17, 2008
Two Quilts and a Top
Sunday, November 16, 2008
And his name is....
So Ms Paula the Quilter - you are the winner in the contest. You get a $30 gift card from http://www.knotsandbolts.com/ She has great fabrics and lots of knitting stuff... which if I remember from your blog - you do. I think I remember seeing socks. Which I thought - I wonder if I could make those? So I took a knitting class - and decided that No I really can't - I will have to rely on the stores to keep my feet warm.
Paula - email me at alyciac @ quiltygirl.com and lets get all your details so you can be shopping by tomorrow evening, as you are putting your feet up from a hard day at work, with your computer on your lap - and maybe even a glass of tea by your side...
Don't know if you can see it - but there is a hot air balloon behind our corrals. He was fun to watch this morning.
Have a good one!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Quilts from Colorado
Friday, November 14, 2008
Organized Chaos
So we all settled down and got to work, and the volume went back down ;-)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I took a class
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I feet swirly today
And the second one - a String quilt
Al's quilt