Happy Friday!!
I was accused this week of being a Pollyanna... and I laughed! I haven't heard that word in a long time, as in - I think my Grandma used it and she passed on decades ago! But yes - I will take that accusation. I know that the world is not perfect, but think of all the fun a little joys that really do happen all around you each day... It will make you happier, and a Lot less stressed!
Even when you get up to iron and see Wade the Steer heading towards the dog kennels... IN YOUR YARD.... just in case you want to know... that is NOT where he is supposed to be. But Wade thinks he is human and he wanted a little head rub... *sigh* ( Pictures at the end of the post)
And today - what makes me happy? I have finished another Flags for Sue Quilt of Valor.
QOV #19 for 2020 |
I used a Blue Polka Dot to sash this one - and I like it!! And a fun clamshell to quilt it with.
I love these quilts - and the most cool thing is how many of them are Hugging Veterans that were BORN OF FLAG DAY!!! Who knew that would work out so well like that! My Favorite is a WWII Veteran, born on Flag Day, he said his eyes were leaking a little when he received his .... oh my!
Ready for Wade the Steer? I wish I could video him, but I laugh to much when he comes to see me, and he lets me pet him, and he is huge, so I am always ready to move fast!
As soon as I pulled the phone out, he got shy - but.... he really does think he is human!!
Alright - Show us your Finished ( or Not) Projects!! Let us ohh and ahh and leave you a cool comment!
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* Have a GREAT quilty Week!
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