Oh boy!!! Oh Boy!!!! are you ready for another Quilty year???
I am!!! I am excited with all the possibilities and the hope of finishing up some piles
I even have a First Finish for the year!!
Another MOTORCYCLE QOV!!!! - and the blocks are our Flags for Sue blocks - I had a few left, and!! I had strips cut to make more - so ... look at that - already using one of my piles to finish a quilt!!
Quilted it up with Stars and look at that BACK even - We use wide backs a lot, and there always seems to be some left over - so I made a new back. I really like it actually!! Adds some character!!
One thing I have learned about myself - Statistics are not my forte - but!! I finally got all the Quilts I finished last year into an album and counted - I actually finished 45 Quilts last year ( and I found photos of 13 QOV's I quilted)
I am taking that as a HUGE win!! Here is the Link to my 2024 Quilts by Quiltygirl album
and now.... Drumroll please:
My Girls!!! they are sitting next to each other, not growling, Muzzleless and!! Obeying me!!! My Hope had been before the new year, my goal had been by Valentines day.... I win!!! I am so ecstatic!!! My kids are all laughing at me as I sent this photo out ... Mom - you spend way to much time on the dogs haha!! Little do they know!!!
We have a lot of more work to do - but hey ! this is a HUGE win in my world!!
You thought I would keep typing For-ever!! didn't you?
No worries - It is NOW your turn!!!
Link up those lovely Finishes ( or NOT finishes) and click away!!
Share the link up with all your friends - tell them to come over and visit!!
********************Link Up ************************
******************The end***********************
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