Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Escape to Belize - Ziplining

 After our Morning at AlTunHa we headed in for some Ziplining Fun. 

Now our guide told us to pack a swim suit for the Cave tubing - but we would have our dry clothes to change back into so we'd be dry ( ish) on the boat back to San Pedro..

Well!!! We had a wonderful fish lunch, and then arrived at the Zip Lining place. The Very second we made it to the first platform, it started raining. Rain in a Rain Forest is a lot ALOT different that Rain on the plains of Colorado...

With in minutes - those dry clothes we were going to wear back on the boat? WERE SOAKED - not a dry spot anywhere!!!

First - proof that we started dry!!
and then we started walking into the jungle.. it was awesome. This is a termite home. Apparently they are full of protein so if your ever stuck in the jungle with n ow food - you could eat them?  

or maybe they were jut telling me that because the look on my face showed I was probably gullible?

If you have been following our trip - the snorkeling day- I told you this was the Conquering Fears Adventures?  I have Always wanted to zip line, but have been pretty nervous about it - so today was the day!!

I was soaked, I was harness, and I was ziplining over a rainforest and RIVERS!!! with crocodiles in them.....  and you know what??? I survived to tell about it!!!

This picture of C was taken by me - can you see the raindrops!!!- I have ONE waterproof pocket on my pants - and Thank goodness that is where I had my phone. ( and YES!!) They zip at the pockets - these are the best hiking pants - ALL the pockets zip!!  ( you can see them HERE on Amazon if you want)

I don't have photos of K because I videoed him instead and it is hilarious - all three of us are screaming as he comes zipping into our platform.  C always went first, then me, then K - I think they were just ensuring that I didn't quit haha!!

Proof that we did it!!! and survived - 
WE walked back to the hut to drop our gear, pick up our guide and head to the cave tubing. ;

our guide was Senior - his Son Junior was also a guide - so they were sitting in the Dry hut, and junior said - get a little rain did you?

I promptly looked at him and said - No!!! These people heard that Senior was our guide and the started throwing buckets of water on us... they should be punished.  All the guides started laughing and told Senior he had a good group  - made my day - because these clothes.... were my DRY clothes!!

We might have purchased T shirts here and stuck them in the car - so we could have one thing dry... maybe.....

Off to Cave Tubing!!

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Monday, March 10, 2025

Yellow!!! March's Rainbow Scrap Challenge color

 I'm in!! I'm digging into the yellow scraps in my bin, and I might have pulled out a Fat Quarter or two!!

First I pulled out the strips and big pieces - I even found a few 5 inch squares - so you know those had to be stitched up!!!

I have been trying SO hard to get my 15 minutes of stitching a day in - and truthfully - all but our vacations days - I think I have! At least this last week I did!! 

Now those 5 inch squares are stitched and trimmed - 

My Poor Baby Bella - she gave up on me - and found a sunny spot to nap.

I am glad she can nap when I am stitching, but the second I stand up to iron ....

She thinks its time to play!!

Got more of my Scraps out and organized . This may not be the way you would organize haha! but I actually know what is in those piles!!

Daisy also gave up... but she always keeps that one eye open - just in case I want to play!!

Progress is being made on the yellow - If I do it right - THIS WILL BE THE YEAR - that I can close the lid on the scrap bucket, and maybe prevent that bucket from being SO heavy... haha!!!

YELLOW!! If you google it - there is some not so nice ideas of what yellow represents and some very nice ideas. I happen to like Positive - so I am going with that!!


Yellow is mentally stimulating and improves functions like memory, analysis, and problem-solving. It promotes higher cognitive performance and activates an inquisitive, knowledge-seeking state of mind. Yellow sparks intellectual engagement psychologically.


Yellow elicits feelings of hope, positivity, enthusiasm, and self-assurance. It has a psychological relationship with cheerful outlooks and confidence in achieving success. Yellow evokes uplifting emotions and optimistic perspectives psychologically.


Yellow enhances free-flowing creative thinking and imaginative abilities. It allows the mind to make abstract connections and conceive innovative ideas. Yellow unlocks psychological inventiveness.


During moments of mental overload or stress, yellow provides psychological clarity. It slices through cluttered thoughts to bring heightened focus and rational order. Yellow clears away confusion psychologically.


By activating the intellect and muting emotions, yellow aids quick, decisive choices between options. It empowers objective analysis to weigh alternatives and make rational decisions without second-guessing.


Bright yellow tones stimulate and energize the mind and body in a psychological way. Yellow counteracts sluggishness and passivity, inducing a psychologically activated, alert state.

I am sort of guessing that Angela chose yellow this month because she remembered the time change - and knew that we would need some energy to get thru the day - so Yellow JUST MIGHT DO IT 😅😅

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Friday, March 07, 2025

Septembers Squirrel ( that bright Churndash) and!!! Finished!! ( or not) Friday

 Happy Friday !!!

I expect that you remember, because  - I mean? Why wouldn't you? haha!!  

Okay - I'll admit - even I had to go back and look when I started this SQUIRREL!  it was September of 2024 - my friend gave me a little box of fabric that I just couldn't put away - so I started a new project!

And of course, I went with my trusty CHURN DASH!!

The Blocks were started in September, the Top was finished in January - it just needed some quilting and binding! So I obliged!

Ta da!!! It was very bright outside - I probably should have found a better spot to take a photo - but check out my Girls!!! I think I have trained them - they both came and sat in front of it for me!!!!  I love them   ( I also think they need to run too much haha)

The back showed the Quilting better - I used a white wide back for it - i love wide backs!!!

This quilt measures like 72 x 100 - its a long one and a little weird sized. but!! I like it!!

There you go - my Finish Finish for the week, and of course My *Dust of a Book * Blog hop top was also finished ( like Monday night at 8pm) so I will link that one up as well!!

It is also your time to link up!!!
*Please link your DIRECT post to this one!!
*Visit lots of folks - leave a kind word!!
* link back to FONF - get more people on the *finish wagon*

And beware - I do have more travel posts to share.... 

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Thursday, March 06, 2025

Dust off a Book Blog Hop - Day 4 and all the others too

 Today is Day 4 on the Dust off A Book Blog hop - 

But here is the FULL list of all the participants :

March 3

 March 4

 March 5

March 6

I enjoyed participating, but I really enjoyed seeing what Books others used to make a project from - that is so much fun!!
I am inspired to get more books out!!!

From my day - cuz every post needs a photo!

Come back early tomorrow for FINISHED (or NOT) Friday and link up your projects!!

Happy Stitching 

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Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Escape to Belize - Altun Ha Mayan temples

 On  Belize - there are Mayan Temples.. and we just HAD to see them!!

After our Snorkeling day - we got up at 4:30 and headed to San Pedro. In the early morning there are maybe 2 restaurants open - where all the workers go to eat... so we jumped in. 

Fresh corn tortillas and all sorts of yummy breakfasts - then we headed to the Water Taxi. Of course, The tour would be on the Main land. 

Our Water Taxi stopped at Caye Caulker, and a lot of kids in uniforms got on. One girl told us, she goes to High School on the Mainland - so every day she has to take the water taxi in ( 1 hour ride) and back home. Their schools are not Government funded, they are paid for out of their income. I am told that only the wealthy can send their kids to school on the mainland. 

We arrived at Belize City and were picked up - and we headed out!

First Stop : AltunHa Mayan Temples

it was Jungly and Rain Foresty. Our tour guide told us that a lot of this land is open because things just don't grow there and it is marshy or floods seasonally. 

He also told us that they discovered AltunHa by accident. they were creating new roads and came across these hills, in flat county. so they started excavating and found the first temple. Road construction stopped - and digging began.

This is a pretty cool site - so far they have excavated a lot and identified over 500 mounds. 

This is kind of what they found - the mounds just came out of flat ground ( or flat ish) 
When they started excavating - the things they found!!

There are a lot of history sites on it. But Our guide was half Mayan, so he told us a lot of what he had learned as a kid, and lore from his family. It was really cool!

This one ( above ) is called A1:
A tomb was discovered under the temple floor with Jade Objects in it - they dated it to about 550 AD.

you could climb up to the top of it - so you know we did!

It is like Two plazas - they called this one Plaza A - and the Structures lined up perfectly - East and West. So they could follow the sun - rising and setting.

This was behind the Structure we were on 

My New Friend (above) 
This was also behind A 1 - they were very symmetrical folks - so if you found this on one side, there was another exactly opposite of it.

This is the Temple in Plaza 2
Our guide told us the the High Priest would go to the top of it to give his speeches - to the right ( or left if he was standing on top) was the Houses of the Elite. The Elite were the protectors of the high priest, and to the left -was the admin buildings.

The commoners would live outside of these structures.

But!! if you got on the top and talked normal - your voice really carried and you could hear down at the bottom!

This view 👇  Is from Plaza 2 ( the structure above) looking out at Plaza 1!  ( yes we climbed BOTh!!!)

My son went to the Very Edge and I think my husband had a heart episode. He got a little pale watching him go so close

This is us up on the Top of Plaza 2 - Behind the Kid is the leftovers of where the elite would have lived, and behind K ( to the right) is the Admin buildings.

There is also a little museum. and of course, when you leave the site - there are people selling things. Lots of things, but the one that caught our eye - a lady made fresh fried plantains - like big old chips - so we had to try them

They include hot sauce - but blech - the plantains were great by themselves.

next.... We drove further into the jungle for lunch and another adventure.... which will be in another blog post!!!

Check out Day THREE on the Dust off a Book Blog Hop too!

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Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Dust Off a Book Blog Hop!!! and Weekend Quilting!!!

Today is MY Day!!! On the *Dust Off a Book* Blog hop!!

I liked this idea especially since I have books, and I have Quilts to make, and I thought what a better way to make myself look at my books, and then I went down the rabbit hole, and looked at WAY to many and now I have a big list of what I want to make...

But it's all good!!! I have fabric!!!

This is the Book I chose!  1 - it has some awesome patterns in it, and 2 . It promises you can make a top in a weekend.

Truthfully - It took me more than one weekend- but that is not the books fault!! She has the steps laid out by time. So you cut. Then Hour 1 is step one, and so on . Each quilt has the idea of how many hours it should take you. That is an Awesome Concept.

However - she does not have my dogs continually interrupting her plans.😅😆😅😆

Here is the Quilt I decided to make!!

I just loved all the bright colors. But then!!! i thought!! ( watch out world that is how earthquakes happen!!)

I have a LOT of weddings coming up this year - I wonder.... could I make this one for one of my wedding couples???

I got to sleuthing out their favorite colors..... and planning the time line - I think it would all work out.....

Of course - the day I finished it , that exact moment when I wanted to take photos - the wind came up!!!

So I went to the other side of the house - and guess what?  The wind was there too!!!

So we took a photo inside as well - but I love this one!!!
I used Navy, Royal, Teal, Purple , two greens - it was so fun to play with the colors. 

We know this couple well enough to know Black is not their vibe - so I used White as the background, and in real person - it makes those colors pop!!!

This was a fun challenge - with a deadline - so I had to power thru!! ( read NOT start 16 more projects in the same time frame) and I enjoyed it!

Again the Book is Weekend Quilts - Here is the Amazon Link if you want to see it for yourself.

Link to Weekend Quilts

There is a lot more quilts in the book - and of course - Iwant to make a few more of them!!!

Shout out to BeAQuilter for putting this all together!

Check out all the other Bloggers on the list!! Maybe be inspired by a new book!

March 3

 March 4

 March 5

March 6

ALSO Linking to:

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Monday, March 03, 2025

Escape to San Pedro - Snorkeling

 After resting a day - we were ready for an Adventure!!!

I called this trip - Overcoming Fears Adventures!!! and I DID IT!!!

See!!! That's us after the first  snorkeling of the day!! They dried faster than I did - but it was 80 - so I was in heaven!

Remember back to those dark days where we had to wear masks? I am so claustrophobic that they made me panic. But in order to work where I did - we had to wear them - so I sat in my house with a mask on for 10 seconds - then took it off, then 12 seconds...slowly getting longer - It took me a few days to get to an hour - but then I thought I'd be good....

Fast forward to SNORKELING Gear!!! I was panicked about that - so I bought my own set of Gear :

And  I sat on the couch with the mask on for 10 seconds - then I added the mouth thing for 2, Took it off ... and tried again.

That was a great plan - Because after jumping in the ocean I just had a mild panic attack and once I stretched out ( like a floating dead guy) I relaxed and went all over!!!

It was AWESOME!!

This is Shark and Stingray Alley - They are Nursing Sharks and their mouths are at the bottom, so they can't bite you like a Jaws shark - but I wasn't sure I wanted to swim with them.... So I took photos first - and then ... jumped in!!

There was a TON of them - and stingrays - they aren't aggressive tho - they just swim at the bottom and you are not supposed to go over them.

We boated to a few more spots to snorkel and the fish, the reef, the coral, the colors and all the greens - oh man - it was a color attack - I loved it!!

After we all decided we were done snorkeling our guide took us to feed the Tarpons - they JUMP!!! and I did not opt to feed them. You had to hold a Fish in your hand and they  jumped to it.

I do not like to touch fish - and I decided I had overcome enough Fears for the day - So I watched my husband and son do it! and I didn't scream - I decided that was a success too!

We had visitors on the boat as well - they were So funny . They kept trying to get closer, but then they would back off. I think they were hoping for some of the fish.

after that - we stopped on Caye Caulker for lunch - Landshark is another local beer - so it had to be tasted - Ignore the face .. I made him laugh....

But check out these colors? Aren't they just so pretty!

Caye Caulker is more of a Party Island vibe - as in the WHOLE island just parties the day away. I am sure there are excursions off this Caye too - but it was just a fun vibe. And very Happy People - everyone was pretty friendly .

This is the Elvis Restaurant - it had 4 different painting of Elvis .

Then of course I needed to explore to see where the locals lived - again!! That color!! SO fun!!

We got back to our dock about 4, OH!!! BY THE WAY!! Our adventure Guide PICKED US UP AT OUR DOCK!! So super cool !!! our Guide was Hill of No Worries Tours - he and Mario made the day amazing!!!

We got to go Conch diving, they made ceviche on the boat, he brought water and soda , and a Rum Punch. Apparently Rum punch is all the thing.

 ( again - allergies - it has pineapple juice in it so he wouldn't let me have it)  Hill was awesome - I told him my food allergies and he never forgot them !!  ( all week!)

We got back to clean up and our caretakers brought us a great meal of tacos and fried plantains and we shut our eyes... for the next day.... was to start at 4:30 am.....

but for real time Tomorrow is my day on the *Dust off a Book * Blog hop - so come see what book I dusted off... and what I made from it!!!  Day 1 can be found here: Day 1 Dust off A Book

Linking up with :

My Corner of the World

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