Thursday, February 27, 2025

Escape Away.... Belize ( San Pedro)

 We ESCAPED..... it was -12 and I was done with it - so!!! we jumped a plane or two, a water taxi, and golf cart - and we went to San Pedro, Belize, Central America.

I will admit - the Central America thing did not register in my brain until I saw the C.A  and it did not mean California!!!

Who has been to Belize? To San Pedro?
it was a brand new experience for me - and I loved it- 

We arrived into Belize City from Houston - to stand in the Immigration and Customs line for 2 1/2 hours - that part.... Keeelllllled me!!!

But the cool thing is you do your customs online before hand - so you just show them a QR code with your passport - easy peasy.

We were traveling to San Pedro, Ambergris Caye - so we either needed to take a puddle jumper plane or a Water Taxi - I decided the Water taxi to get there, plane to get back. After traveling for 12 hours - that might not have been the best decision - the Water taxi took another 1 1/2 hours and the flight would have been 15 minutes - but its all good - we were on Vacation!!!

On the Caye - the main mode of transportation is GOLF CARTS!!! Too much fun, and a lot of crazy driving!!

We are in a golf cart - following the guy in front of us. He was the Caretaker of the VRBO we were staying in, and!! Our luggage driver!! Also - he knew we had no clue where to go!!

The quilter in me was drawn in by the colors - Look at that pretty teal ish greenn color - and Yellow!!! ( which is the RSC color but I didn't know it at the time!!)

We quickly learned to Navigate the roads - and just jump in - no real signals and only a VERY few stop signs exist there - also - the local beer is Belikin.... and it is MUCH cheaper than anything brought in from another country

We ARRIVED!!! This is our own little beach and oh man you all - it was HEAVEN!!! For a country girl I was a little worried about crowds and noise - but this place we rented - AMAZING - you had your own beach!!

And our Caretakers wife - she cooked for us. I love her, I asked her to come home with me, Sadly - she declined - apparently she is not a fan of snow or cold or , well, leaving her family ( sigh)

We decided our First day would be just to hang out on our beach and see what we could see:

Not a bad way to start your morning. and yes - I am wearing sandals; I am a weird one and I don't like feeling things on my feet ( like sand) 

Guess how many days it took for me to just walk barefoot???

That is our house - we stayed on the top floor. The caretaker and his family live on the bottom floor. and we had a Paddleboard, a kayak, we brought our own snorkeling gear and did it all off of our beach - SO SUPER COOL to us!!!

Another view from our Beach.

When I travel - I do like to learn about the culture - so it was great to have the caretaker. There are a lot of things I don't think about living in America - like food - we have so much of it all the time.

There really aren't Seasons anymore when you have a grocery store - there? Lobster season ends 2/28 - so they won't have lobster from the island until it is in season again. Which will increase restaurant prices as they will have to import it from another country.... Interesting.

We have been complaining about eggs and produce - my sad was that avocados in the US doubled ( to like $2) in price - she said they rarely pay less that $4 per avocado.... That shut me up!!

Anyways Day 1? 

Awesome - 

We were cooked for, we played in the ocean, we had a beer ( okay the boys had a beer - I am allergic) 
and I read a Book - A WHOLE book..... that's usually a 3 week task around here!!

Proof that I read!!!  ( and yes I did start it on the plane - but Seriously - I finished it!!)
its about a Grandma and Granddaughter switching lives and it is SOOOO good!

All while it was snowing and blowing and I was feeling bad for my Chore people - but not that bad to come back!!!

Oh and Nann - that is why there were no comments haha - Internet/Wifi/ Cell service... not as easy as one might think ;-)


Gretchen Weaver said...

Sounds wonderful! Enjoy your vacation, you will be back at work soon enough.
Our temps are slighter warmer now and the snow has melted. We are currently in MUD season here.

Kate said...

Looks like a very fun vacation. You definitely picked the right time to go.

Linda said...

Oh my that looks amazing! Your caretakers sound like angels. At first I thought, no way I'd stay somewhere that the owners were still present. Then I realized what a great thing it is to learn from them and have them cook for you, etc, and to contribute to their economy and livelihood. That makes all the difference.
We have been to Roatan and Cozumel but never made it to Belize. We were always interested in islands for diving. Now we don't dive and we'd both love to try Belize!

Donna said...

Glad you got away during the coldest part of winter! Looks beautiful!

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Sounds like an awesome getaway! Especially in February! We've never been, but we have friends who've visited and they highly recommended it. They've traveled the world and said it was the prettiest place they'd been.
Hope you came back to warmer weather. 🤣

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a beautiful spot! Sounds like the perfect getaway. (Anywhere on a beach by the ocean sounds perfect to me!) So glad you had such a good time!

Delighted Hands said...

I'm so excited for you!!!!
What beautiful and wonderful way to vacation!!!!! Enjoy!!!

Andree G. Faubert said...

I sure hope you got to rest and enjoy the heat! More snow coming our way here!

Anne-Marie said...

I'm sure you're enjoying it. Looks beautiful!

Vicki W said...

Good for you! What a lovely getaway!

Nann said...

What a wonderful getaway!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Sounds wonderfully warm, Alycia!!! I'm going back to catch all your stories on your trip.

Kathleen said...

Never been there, but how wonderful for you! I would love it, my husband not so much. I think this was a perfect remedy for -12!