Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Indigo Way Progress

I have the inner top done!!! Whoo Hoo!!!

I think I know the reason I don't tackle a lot of quilts like this.  I am kinda ready for it to be done. Which probably alludes to the whole * I have no patience * thing.... ah well - at least its pretty!

I didn't like the busy ness of the setting triangles that Bonnie had in her pattern. Well, in reality, I didn't like the amount of time it was going to take to make the setting triangles that Bonnie had in her pattern - so I went with solid white. 

I am going to add a small border and then do something else in the outer border - just not 100% sure WHAT yet. It will come to me at 2 in the morning!

I do have extra pieces left from not making the setting triangles.
My Husband so kindly reminded me that my Month of Me is half over - oh the pressure to get SO much more done, and goof off at the SAME time !!

Another friend of mine ( Ann ) messaged and said, I am downsizing and I have some Patriotic Fabrics.
You all !! my group is just so lucky !!! We are going to be set for this next year !!

I'm pretty tickled about that - I hate to fundraise and ask for things - and wow!! Stuff just came to me this time ;-)  What a blessing!

Off to Chill ! Its hair cut, eye doctor and grocery day. ( other than the hair cut - UGH!) 

Bella Chillin' under the fan

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Midweek Makers at Quilt fabrications


Kate said...

I like the plain setting triangles, it does make it a bit less busy. Did you make any of the red/blue triangle in a square blocks that Bonnie used in her border? I used mine in a partially pieced border. I'm not much ahead of you, I put the final borders on Monday night. I'll have to come back to post it on Friday for Finished or Not.

Delighted Hands said...

What a beautiful job on piecing this---you will come up with just the right finishing up for this quilt!

Michelle Suzanne said...

It’s a beautiful quilt, Alycia! said...

I like your Indigo Way. . .It's a challenge to cut, piece, quilt and finish a Bonnie quilt. Yours will be amazing! I'm glad you stuck with it!!!