Monday, August 26, 2024

Catching Rainbows, Jackknife and 1638

The best thing about my *Month of me* ? I am finding things that I forgot about ;-)

Back in 2021 - I saw these blocks on Bonnie Hunters site, and then I saw them on Quilt Fabrications, and then the EQ blog - and I made TWO... TWO  people , and I pulled fabric to make more, and then I am not sure what happened!!

Probably I had to clean off my sewing table to do that dreaded binding of some quilt, and I just piled them places... but now!! They are out again!!

I had two blocks and just fabric in the pile and now!!

And 4 more cut out! These are detailed little buggers! But aren't they cute? 

Also - last weekend ( two days ago last weekend) We got to go to a friends wedding and it was Gorgeous!!

They mowed part of their hayfield for us to sit in and do the ceremony !!  Isn't that a cool venue .

We were joking and my husband said - I bet the bride comes in on a horse drawn carriage. I did not take that bet, cuz I didn't think that was the brides style.... hers was BETTER - she drove in with her dad on the tractor, and the two of them escaped on it!! So super sweet!

Check out my Men!! My husband and my youngest - we had such a blast!!! We wish our friends the best marriage ever! 

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Donna said...

Love the inverted colors on the blocks; never seen anything like this. What a wonderful country wedding especially the bride coming in on the tractor! You’ve got some handsome dates!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Those blocks are pretty, this is going to be a wonderful quilt! What size are the blocks? I like how your friends had an unique wedding, perfect for laid back people. Happy stitching!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Looks like you are enjoying your birthday month doing fun things!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

well that is a different kind of wedding! unique and kept the cost down - which I think is great because people spend way too much to get married now in some cases.

Bonnie said...

Those are great blocks. I like the navy and black vibe (or at least I think they are blacks and blues..)

Melva said...

The blocks look great. :) I see a small splash on plaid to the left of these wonderful blocks! What else are you up to??? ;)

Delighted Hands said...

Great new blocks!!! Now that is a wonderful start to a country marriage! said...

What a fun wedding! Any bride that arrives in a tractor is someone that I'd love to know! What a fun wedding! I also can't imagine all the scrubbing that went in to get that tractor "parade" ready!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are great blocks! They look like they have a lot of pieces, but when you look at the individual parts, they're pretty simple. That looks like a fun and creative wedding - the very best kind!

Linda said...

Your blocks are so pretty. That is my kind of wedding - lol! Love your son's sunglasses. ;)

Nann said...

That's a cool block!

Kate said...

Very fun blocks. Are you sticking with all blues for that set? What a fun entry and exit for the wedding. Not something you see every day!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Those blocks are awesome! I'm glad they have come out of hiding and I look forward to seeing your quilt when completed! That really is a cool wedding venue and I LOVE the idea of the bride riding in on the tractor and as the getaway vehicle! Very cool! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week!