Wednesday, June 05, 2024

The Madonna Inn

 Our very last stop to gawk was at the Madonna Inn. Its awesome, and overwhelming, and colorful. It was created by Alex and Phyllis Madonna... and I believe she loved the color Pink... so it was used quite profusely through out!

We stopped for Breakfast on our way to the airport - this was the breakfast room. and that rainbow thing? Thats a Stole that they sell in the gift shop. Could you imagine me wearing that to go feed cows?  I think I would be VERY visible!!!

There are 110 Guest rooms and each one is themed different. The staff told us that Phyliss was the one who styled the rooms. ( I think she is in her 90's now)

You all know what caught my eye though right?? haha!! Bessie!!

We had a nice breakfast - and the guys had some homemade pastries -then we were off... back to the land of reality ...

Good bye Wine Country... hello quick stop in Vegas...

And then - Looking over Denver.... getting back to reality....


Linda said...

Going back home is always bittersweet! Thanks for the travelogue, I really enjoyed it. :)

Kate said...

That looks like a very fun place for breakfast. It's always both a relief and a let down to get home from vacation. Hopefully you've gotten back into your groove with your normal routine. said...

We visited the Inn many years ago. . .I remember being amazed at how many ways pink was incorporated into the rooms! Happy homecoming!

Delighted Hands said...

What a great ending to very special trip!!! (I'm sorry but that last visit looked like a bordello to me, not that I've been in one but it's what I imagine! lol)