Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Shopping, Quilting and more

 You know I am always looking for ways to support my QOV group here - we have been rolling for TWENTY YEARS - Oh my stars... But I still feel like a kid!!

One of the ways is commissions on sales... and you MUST know by now that its Amazon Prime days today and tomorrow

So if you are going to buy anything - click thru these links - and send a little Commission $ this way  - we will need Wide Backings soon ;-)

Are you ready? These are some of the things I buy regularly or use often- 

Waterpik Dog Wand - Now - I spoiled myself and I have two - one for the Bathroom and one for outside. Right now in the summer - the outside one is worth its weight in gold!!! ( tos 24% off today and tomorros)

Remember I now have TWO dogs - so that is twice the bathing, and Twice the paw cleaning and this thing... its awesome!

I also use this - Melatonin. I don't take it daily, but I do use it 3-4 times per week. I think it just helps settle my brain and off to dreamland I go....

Now this next one  - I use daily!!

When I wash my Quilts of Valor , I start with 1 TBSP of Dawn dishsoap and mix it in the water. Then I put my Quilt in and if there is a lot of Deep Blue and Red - I will use 2 or 3 sheets  of the SHOUT Color Catchers.

After I use the sheets once for quilts, if they aren't too colored - I put them in our clothing loads - so I usually get 2 washes out of them - that's not recommended I know... but.....

This ones a little more personal - but! We ride a lot, mostly every day - and I love these jeans - They are a high rise, which I didn't know if I would like - but!!! There is no gapping, or pulling, and when I am in the saddle - no pinching.... thats a win.

Ariat Bessie Jeans

There are a lot more things that I use - but if you click on one of those links, and then purchase something different - I have been told I should still get the commission.

Come on Wide Backs haha!!!

Happy Shopping!!


Delighted Hands said...

Thanks for the links!!!!

Linda said...

Thanks for the links. Feel free to do that more often!

Bernie Kringel said...

I wish I had seen this sooner. I did find two pair of running shoes on prime day. Hopefully I will remember to use your link next time around. :-)