Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Band Concert

Monday night was our school's band concert. It encompassed ( big word huh??) 6th grade thru the highschool. So it was about 2 1/2 hours long. My oldest is a drummer. So I had lots of opportunities to take pictures.... but I am so glad I have friends!

See that kid in the very back - the kind of blurry kid - he's mine, and that is the BEST picture I had all night.
Well except for the next kid below - but he is NOT mine!!!

But then Rhonda said - I think I got a few good pictures of J - and she emailed them to me - and they are MUCH MUCH better than mine - I am so impressed!

And all of that practice on his drumset totally paid off!

1 comment:

Impera Magna said...

What a cutie! He reminds me of someone... it'll probably come to me around midnight or something...