As the Major and a friend of mine were working on the house they discovered that he had not recieved a Quilt of Valor and asked if I could help remedy that. Defineatly. Absolutely. Not a Problem.
This is the quilt that went to the soldier.
Judys Carolina Crossroads I took the quilt to school. The 5th graders wrote a lot of get well, and encouragement letters. They also included a book, of course, I can NOT remember the title at the moment. It was about a boy who faced challenges and found bravery. A very nice book, and it was signed by all the children, and then the quilt headed out to the soldier.
I wanted to post this today - although it happened a few days ago. I wanted you all to know how Thankful I am to know all you wonderful people. All of you who offer encouragement on this project, all of you who make quilts, both finished and ready to be quilted for these soldiers, all of you who offer up an email - I TRULY appreciate it. It keeps me moving on.
But most importantly - I think - No, I KNOW - the soldiers are so very touched by the caring and compassion that is recieved by a home made quilt. I KNOW they can feel the love and encouragement that is sewn into each one, and I know they can see the love in the beautiful designs.
So before I get too sappy - THANK you on this Thanksgiving day for being who you are! And for reading this far... I know there is Turkey awaiting you.... so get to it ;-)
Have a great one!!
That is a great quilt to give to this soldier who sacrificed so much for our freedoms! Thanks for sharing that story with us today.
I'm so glad you had one all ready to just hand at a moment's notice and that the kids were able to participate!
It's a great thing you're doing Alycia. Lots of thanks to YOU!
Isn't it wonderful that through the generosity of quilters you had a quilt all ready for this solider?!!
Thanks to everyone who uses their talents to help others :)
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