
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A New Mystery For Quilts of Valor

Oh it is getting that time - that time when we need to have way more projects than is expected, and way more fun things to do - and so!!! 

A9 - A new QOV Mystery will be starting soon!!!

I will post Fabric Requirements on Wednesday August 21st 

That will give you 2 weeks to root around, dig through the stash, hit the quilt shops , borrow from you neighbors ( ha ha)

and the First Clue will be Posted on September 4th - right after labor day, so you can get started!!

Remember I like fun anf quick quilts, and I like to have less that a few hours a week invested... so that is still my plan - to make this fun, easy and no stress. and for all of you who have stressful jobs.... maybe it will even be relaxing to you to cut some fabric and sew a little each week!

Just look at all the smiles from the Quilts of Valor already awarded!!

And if you are wanting to get ahead.... Remember I love RED WHITE and BLUE!!  Ha ha

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jelly Roll Waves QAL - by Busy Hands

Boy I am just getting these posted!!
I thought I was farther ahead... but then....

I found out I wasn't - oh well - it was so so so stressful to send the boys out to do chores and make breakfast - so I could sew ( Bwahh ha ha)   It was great!!

This is Block two in the QAL - and I am so happy - I did it right!! Whoop Whoop!!

This is not a hard quilt - it is quite fun a relaxing to sew!!  Myra writes Fantastic instructions!!

Check out all the other QAL'ers

Also linking to:
Let's Bee Social

Monday, July 29, 2019

COOKIES!!!! Gluten Free ones that were awesome!

Did you like my title?? Ha ha!!

I found ( okay really was given, but found sounds better) an AWESOME flour to make my gluten free items with!!

I quilt for an amazing lady, and she and her family farm in Northeastern Colorado. They have been farming many years, and are starting to add some new, unique flours. 

One of them is Millet Flour.  Kathy brought me a pound of it - and the boys and I got to taste testing!!

of course - we made cookies right away!

Don't you just want some of those??

I followed a regular chocolate cookie recipe, and instead of using wheat flour, I used Millet flour. 

So - on Batch 1 - I used 1/2 Millet flour and 1/2 gluten free flour blend.    I mean - just in case.....and I always like to learn how flours work. The 1/2 and 1/2 batch was  awesome!  

I have been gluten free for 12 years now, so I am not 100% sure what to compare it to - other that Gluten free cookies or mixes I have used in the past. The GF flour blend that I use... I like! However others have told me it is a little gritty. And if you don't eat the products quickly (12-18 hours) they tend to dry out and get hard.

Back to the half and half cookies. I thought they were great. They were moist and chewy and chocolatey.  100% gf flour blend cookies get hard while sitting on the plate more than a day.  These didn't get as hard - they were still pretty moist 24 hours later.

BATCH 2 ( pictured)
Then I got brave - I made a 100% PFZ Farms Millet Flour batch. Oh! My! Stars!!  This flour added a richness to the chocolate, and they were very moist and chewy - and 24 hours later.... the same!  36 hours later .. the Same!! 48 hours later.... well I can't tell you  - we ran out of test product!

But seriously - do cookies every last more than 2 days in your house?

Want to try some ( and support your farmers?)

They sell their flours at:

4 Seasons Farmers Market on West 38th in Wheatridge 
or through contacting them on their website.

and if you bake something with it - tell me - I am always about new recipes!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Two Tops : Finished!!

I have two!!
Count them!!
Two Tops finished!!

Whoop Whoop!!
Altho - I was going to wait to show them after they were quilted, but at the rate I am going.... I will forget!

This one is my QOV groups Block of the 3 month challenge! Ha ha - we decided to do it for the whole summer since everyone is always so busy!

You can find the pattern here 'Rectangle Block

and then I finished the STEPPER quilt!
It was a pattern designed by Liz in my Stashbusters group.
I REALLY wanted to get it quilted first.... but ... i'll just have to show it again!

Have a Happy Weekend!!

Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Busy Hands Quilts
TGIF Friday at Lisa in Port Hope

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A sweet Surprise from Sunny Day Supply

Over on Instagram = there was a #PatrioticQuiltParade hashtag for the month of June. Well of course, I had Patriotic Quilts to show off!!

Little Did I know there were prizes!!

I got the Sweetest Surprise from Sunny Day Supply!!

Have you ever shopped there? They have the Sweetest Fabrics!!

This is what they sent me!

It was all wrapped up so cute!

Ta da!!
Aren't those so sweet??

This is their card, just in case you now feel the need to go shop!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


This last weekend we were up in Moose country - and I searched and searched, and fished and fished...

And the last day as we were packing up the car - I was talking to one of my sons on the phone.... and a MOOSE comes out of the woods straight at my car.

I stuttered... I sputtered, ....  I scared my kid

but it was a MOOSE

And me - with only my cell phone!!

And he walked right between the condos
and down to the lake!

And proof that someone caught fish! I have one of the Husband too.... But I haven't gotten it off my real camera yet.... the real camera that was still INSIDE the Condo when the MOOSE came through!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Strippy Scrappy sewing and.... a Horse???

I was at a Quilting Sew in and a friend - Linda, came over and said.... I have this for you.

and I was curious... I didn't know what she would have, and I was scared.   ( okay, not really, but it sounds good here.... makes it sound like my life has.... depth)

She showed me the prettiest Horse Panel and she told me that she saw it and got it just for me.

Well heck!! You can't put that away then! Something must come of it ,.... and Quickly

So here is where I am...

I Think the Yellows bring out the colors of the horse, and make him pop. I am thinking of a Light Blue or Dark blue inner border to bring the Panel up to the block size.... and then I am not sure where I am going to go with it.

But we are loving him.

NONE of my horses are this color. So he is rounding out my herd.... WITH NO EXTRA FOOD COSTS - ha ha ha ha.... I crack myself up!!

Thank you Ms Linda for thinking of me when you saw this!!

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday
Main Crush Monday
Monday Making
Moving It Forward
What I made Monday

Lets Bee Social
Mid Week Makers

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Dirty Life - a Book Review

Guess what?
I do not have a quilt to show you finished

I finished a book!!

This book really intrigued me.
Kristin was a freelance writer who was sent out to interview this man about his farm life,
and she falls in love and this books is the story of  what follows.

I have to be honest
We sorta live this way!

So it was intriguing to me to learn about how she perceived things,
what she learned,
and what she could accomplish 
on their farm

The story is about how she and Mark start a farm, a new life, and a way of life they offer to others.
I truly loved it.

One of the things that made us laugh the most - 
she talked about eating fresh lettuce right out of the field,
and how Mark loved the center of it.

My dear husband is a HUGE gardener
He grows amazing lettuce

He picks it regularly
and I make him eat the outside 
and I take the inside !!

I understood Mark at that moment!

The book emphasizes the Farm to Table movement that is becoming all the rage.
That tons of us live day to day!
And it makes you proud to be that rancher/Farmer

My son and I have been playing around with my Business banner

It's fun right?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Quilts of Valor

Oh it has been a while since I have shared some of our Groups Quilts of Valor

That is not for lack of making them
That is for lack of taking photos!!

Who is addicted to her camera
has not picked it up since that last wedding she shot
and has been using her cell phone!!!

I need to FIX that!!

These are 4 of the latest we have finished!
There are more than that... we have a Request list of 60 Veterans
I believe I have a quilt for each one of them 
We are just awaiting Presentation dates!!

is that not insane!
and that is just Northern Colorado

I love that word has spread
but I would have thought that after all these years
( read 14)
I would not have as many Veterans left to award quilts to

Its awesome!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Jelly Roll Waves Progress

Even with sharing my machine... ( read pestering my kid to hurry up)
I got my first set of blocks done for the Jelly Roll Waves QAL hosted at Busy Hands Quilts

I am sorta randomly choosing the pieces - and I like how it is turning out!

I wasn't sure if it would be too random or too matchy - but so far so good!

Now to start on the second ones.

I honestly like the Jelly Roll that Middle Bit chose 
I thought it might be to big of a variety - but I think he was on to something

Of course
he also did the grocery shopping this week
so he is high in my praise book right now!!

I mean REAL HIGH!!

And I thought I would share this with you all
It showed up in my Memories
and I truly Loved this day

That this Veteran brought his 48 Star Flag that flew on his ship just touched my heart.
and I loved seeing it again

Monday, July 15, 2019

Progress - Design Wall Monday

My Quilt of Valor top is becoming more of a top now!
I have all the rows sewn and one of the 2 borders on.
I have had to share my quilting set up this last week...

with Little Bit!!

He is working on his Last 4H quilt in his 4H career.. and of course it is a QOV 
( we will show you soon)

You can find the Pattern for this block

Oh!! and see all those bags of Quilts?

Guess why they are there?

I am Speaking at the Pieceable Friends Quilt Guild on Tuesday
Surprisingly -
I am all organized and ready to go!!
I am excited to tell them about my quilts!!

oh!! GO check this artist out
I LOVE her

She grew up with my Middle child
and she is just amazing
You can get her music on  I tunes and this is her CD

I am so proud of her.
When she was in 5th grade she went with me and the other students to Ft Carson to award Quilts of Valor and she sang the National Anthem aCapella ( I hope I spelled that right?)

I knew then... she was destined for greatness
It was amazing
350 Soldiers Standing  in the chapel
and not a dry eye!

Seriously - give this girl a listen - She is awesome!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Random Ranch Shots

Just some Random Ranch shots to tide you over until I have quilty things to show.... 

Our night skies....
Sometimes they can be so dramatic...  they just want your attention... sorta like kids ha ha

My Thistle
It is now removed - they are not good for our pastures, but I still think they are pretty
Please don't tell Wrangler man
He will kick me off the place!

I was trying to show you the mountains - but there is a little bit of haze
and I used my cell phone
I keep getting these ads about cell phone Photography classes
and they claim the photos are just as good as your DSLR...
I might disagree sometimes
This one definitely would have been better with my Big camera

My freshly mown fire break - and my barn ( and yes - I still need to weed whack those last weeds... shhhhh...)

My stubborn dog. 
He has decided that walking and being outside is *just not his thing*
He makes it a bout 1/4 of the way down the road and just stops!!!

It does not make mailing things at the mailbox easy
But I am more stubborn than him
and so far...
have gotten him down the road!
The boys laugh at me and say Mom - he is so stubborn
he sits with us and WON"T move!

Maybe he know I have the treats??

Have a happy Day!!
Quilt away

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

I read... a few books!

I read all these Book Reviews from other quilters - and I think.... I should do that.

And then I realize that I don't read as many books as others! So my goal this summer - is to read some books!!

The First one I picked up was:

 Lilac Girls 
It was such a great book - Historical Fiction - but VERY Historical

The story follows three different women through their experiences in WWII - and it is very well written.  I wanted to know more about the women when I turned the last page. I always think that is a good sign.

I will tell you one thing that really struck me, that I am sure I was taught - but never stuck with me. Women who were German - were even sent to Concentration camps. I guess I thought being German saved you....

Lost Roses

After reading Lilac Girls  - I followed up with her next book. It went a little farther back in time to WWI - and followed One of the same women, from the first book, her mother, and a Russian Princess

It was just as good! and the History. I love History - hate the way you have to memorize it in school. So this was perfect for me - I learned some cool history, and enjoyed the read!

and surprise!!! I read a Third Book!
I know!! Can you imagine!!!

The Lost Girls of Paris

This one was more loosely based on history. She had met a woman who she based the story off of, but some of the actual instances were things she thought would have happened. Either way - it was a great book about Secret Women Operatives and how they helped the Allies defeat the Axis powers during WWII.

Can you tell that I have been reading about a genre? I didn't intend that - but these titles really drew me in. and of course, we have been awarding Quilts of Valor to WWII Veterans... so I think that has peaked some of my interest.

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Lots of Projects

I have been working on lots of projects at the same time - and I am Loving it!!
There are so many fun things going on in blog land..... and of course - I am drawn in to them.... Its awesome

I have been working on Kevin the Quilters first clue... Its sort of 3 parts - I have part 2 and 3 done, and am working on part one.... 184 - 4 patches! So much fun!!

Of course - Plaids !!

And this one!
I used a Jelly Roll to make these - so the fabric line sorta matches.

All the blocks are complete,
The rows are made

Now to top it!!
and add borders!

Annnd of course!! Jelly Roll Waves Quilt a long - with Busy Hand Quilts...  I have the whole quilt cut now - and on to the next stage....  making half of the blocks.

Hope you all had a great 4th of July!
We had a great week - two birthday celebrations
4th of July Celebrations
and I even snuck in a surprise party for one of the birthday boys!
( almost 2 surprises... but one was pretty crafty!!)

Have a great week!!

I will be linking up to:

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Jelly Roll Waves Fabric Choices

Also - I am going to sew along with Myra at  and her Jelly Roll Waves Quilt. I have made it once before... but I feel the need to do it again.... and do it right this time - Bwahh haa haah

So today!
We are supposed to post of Fabric Choices.

I had a color scheme in mind - But Middle Bit came and said - I really think you should use this jelly roll... and who is to argue with your child?

After pulling the whole Jelly Roll apart - we took 3 of the strips and removed them - they were just too white - and that way - I could use a Cream for the background.   I think it will be pretty cool - and Middle Bit has put a claim to it.  He may forfeit that claim as the quilt goes on - but at this moment....  Ha ha

If you are stitching along - go link up at Busy Hands and let us see what you chose!!

Monday, July 01, 2019

Scrapping away.... with the SSSSQ Clue 1

Little Bit said I should do Pink and Green.   I really don't have a lot of Pink and Green in my stash.... Not as much as he thinks.  I do however have Pink and Green Boots, gloves, hats and scarfs.  THAT is a defense mechanism of living in a house with 4 men and they all steal your stuff!!!

So I finally decided on Blues and Creams/golds

I have some blue scraps and strips cut and got to get one of two 4 patches made.

I think these will look pretty good - the four patches I made turned out alright. Since its a mystery - It will work right? ha ha - 

And our sunset last night - we had a thunderstorm warning , we all ran in and slammed doors - and of course, started to watch a movie!  Mid movie we looked out side and wow!

I thought - Oh Look - Kevin is teaching me a bout Contrast - bwahh ha ha ha

Interested in playing along?  Check out his clues at:
Kevin the Quilter

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday
Monday Making
Main Crush Monday
Moving it Forward