
Monday, July 29, 2019

COOKIES!!!! Gluten Free ones that were awesome!

Did you like my title?? Ha ha!!

I found ( okay really was given, but found sounds better) an AWESOME flour to make my gluten free items with!!

I quilt for an amazing lady, and she and her family farm in Northeastern Colorado. They have been farming many years, and are starting to add some new, unique flours. 

One of them is Millet Flour.  Kathy brought me a pound of it - and the boys and I got to taste testing!!

of course - we made cookies right away!

Don't you just want some of those??

I followed a regular chocolate cookie recipe, and instead of using wheat flour, I used Millet flour. 

So - on Batch 1 - I used 1/2 Millet flour and 1/2 gluten free flour blend.    I mean - just in case.....and I always like to learn how flours work. The 1/2 and 1/2 batch was  awesome!  

I have been gluten free for 12 years now, so I am not 100% sure what to compare it to - other that Gluten free cookies or mixes I have used in the past. The GF flour blend that I use... I like! However others have told me it is a little gritty. And if you don't eat the products quickly (12-18 hours) they tend to dry out and get hard.

Back to the half and half cookies. I thought they were great. They were moist and chewy and chocolatey.  100% gf flour blend cookies get hard while sitting on the plate more than a day.  These didn't get as hard - they were still pretty moist 24 hours later.

BATCH 2 ( pictured)
Then I got brave - I made a 100% PFZ Farms Millet Flour batch. Oh! My! Stars!!  This flour added a richness to the chocolate, and they were very moist and chewy - and 24 hours later.... the same!  36 hours later .. the Same!! 48 hours later.... well I can't tell you  - we ran out of test product!

But seriously - do cookies every last more than 2 days in your house?

Want to try some ( and support your farmers?)

They sell their flours at:

4 Seasons Farmers Market on West 38th in Wheatridge 
or through contacting them on their website.

and if you bake something with it - tell me - I am always about new recipes!


  1. The cookies look yummy! That is good to know about the millet flour. I have not too impressed with the GF blends I have tried. I am only slightly allergic to wheat, so I limit my consumption (and we are wheat farmers!), but I am severely allergic to dairy and eggs so those are what I avoid the most!

  2. Hard to believe those cookies lasted that long for all the taste/moistness checking.


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